
Dev Blog: Bounty Hunter

Quick find code: 380-381-42-65435529



Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Mod Ronan
I believe you have made a large mistake in your post on page 54, You said that 1 point for every rogue kill, which i'm guessing means every kill other than target, this could lead to easy boosting, and people obtaining these special items and imbues easily, without the real skill needed to do so. I would recommend changing just target kills 15 points each, which will prevent boosting for the new items.

16-Jul-2014 16:19:41



Posts: 1,912 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Most people will recognize 2009 as the golden years of Runescape, this is because of BH worlds. The real key to this was not the target system (however it was great fun and fruitful with rewards!), it was the designated worlds. At this time period you limited pvp to 2-3 Worlds, this FORCED people to interact within the wilderness. At the moment there are something like 50+ worlds.... With the number of players we have today it is simple to avoid any players in the wilderness... This is simply not how it should be. In order for BH to be successful there are a few options regarding worlds...

1. Make 2-3 BH worlds and a few pvp worlds and REMOVE pvp from the regular wildy worlds. Why do we need the wilderness when we have bounty hunter? (we can make it so you get 100% of the drops if people wish)... So as it is called a bounty hunter world, it still acts as the wildy, but with only 2-3 worlds which WOULD FORCE BH INTERACTION!

2. Same as above without the removal of pvp, this really wont accomplish the desired goal of forcing pvp...

3. Add BH worlds and do nothing about the ever prevalent population problem with this game and watch as pvp slowly dies off as people stop playing....

The solution is clear... We need to limit the wilderness and pvp to 4-5 select worlds... 2-3 worlds for BH worlds and 1-2 for pvp worlds. This allows players to pk ANYWHERE in pvp worlds, and it allows the target system to be on 2-3 worlds SECLUDED to the wilderness. This means people doing clues and taking advantage of wildy rejuvenation spots will be REQUIRED to be on one of these 5 worlds... Which will result in player interaction within the wildy.
NOTE: The wildy must be DISABLED on ALL worlds that are not BH/PVP worlds.

This is how you create a new golden era of RS, thank you.

16-Jul-2014 17:37:42

Jay Tatum

Jay Tatum

Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bring it all back to the same place Jagex... Remove pvp worlds and put bounty hunter into the wilderness in a select few worlds (2 or 3 for members, and 1 for f2p). Without pvp worlds the honor pkers will come back to edgeville and have bounty hunter to participate in as well, and throwing everyone back into the wild will increase pvp activity dramatically. This can be a huge fix to the broken down, dead wilderness we pk in today.

16-Jul-2014 19:22:17



Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Im not sure, but if we would kill our targs , wild/pvp world.. what drop or what would we get?

Cuz in BH, if we kill Tar* we can go out, without the 2min w8.
Maybe you could keep that all and add Bounty Hunter with a safe teleport.

17-Jul-2014 11:10:29

3rd Age Mage

3rd Age Mage

Posts: 283 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
what made people pk is the fun they had and the loot they got back in 2009-2010 with the EP system and +1, i think they should add something like that tbh to make non-pkers have a reason to go out there to pk and most of all have fun because that's what it's all about :) .

25-Jul-2014 11:33:58

Will Slick

Will Slick

Posts: 31 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
if your going to implement bounty hunter it needs to be a sink hole for items to many items are losing value ill give an example more and more people are getting 85 slayer each day and they camp for whips to make money.. only so many people need whips... the tenicle thing is nice but doesnt happen often enough.. before we know it everything will crash and be worthless.. also dont make it 26k or 76k make it like a 1m+ risk or atleast 500k or else poor people will find a way to just get free gold like last time..
also an issue with the last bounty hunter it said you get a target after being in wildy for 10 minutes but 99% of the time i would have to wait an hour and for no reason make it actually 10 minutes

28-Jul-2014 00:10:44

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1) The pking community needs to be condensed and made more concentrated as wondering round the wildy it's pretty lacklustre. Pvp worlds are similar.

2) There HAS to be SOME SORT of incentive to kill targets or even for pking alone at this rate. As others have said, it's difficult to profit from pking as A LOT OF MONEYis spent on supplies such as runes, food, pots etc. Without this incentive the idea is inevitably going to be a non-starter.

My proposal is that we scrap PVP worlds completely, for me they are a waste of time and are rarely used, without the EP system they don't attract players and there aren't enough players in these worlds to make them worthwhile. Sorry but for those who like PVP worlds it is a sacrifice that is necessary to improve the quality of pking overall.

Instead switch to just 2 pking worlds, one is just normal wildy pking like the system right now except there is a designated world for it.

However, the other world is a BH crater world. So i'm talking of the old BH crater system. Many people I know would love to see the BH craters back to entice them back into playing and pking again, therefore I believe it would be a great addition to the game in order to increase the all round quality of the game and pking.

Possible modifications to the old BH craters :

- No teleport to target spell.
- No opportunity for clans to camp in the middle and have a 2v1 with their targert.
- Raise the required risk to enter the crater to 100k from 76k. (using the low level crater as an example). Or some sort of variation to raise risk.

But whether we want those modifications is up to us.

Assuming you all know how the BH craters work... I'll move on to possible rewards or incentives to want to play BH and hunt for a target.

Now before the skillers start protesting. These rewards could be untradeable or perhaps they wouldn't be as personally I doubt it would harm the economy that much but for the sake of that argument I will keep it to untradeables.

31-Jul-2014 22:01:31

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ok so i'm sure the mods or anyone else out there can come up with plenty of suggestions for untradeable rewards. THEY HAVE TO BE WORTHWHILE, but some are as follows...

Untradeable Brawling gloves.. please explain how this harms anyone other than people who can't get them because they can't pk, has no effect on the economy.

Hiscores league table of total BH kills, more points are awarded if for example you KO someone 10 lvls higher and less if they are lower*

** capes/cloaks. Different Tiers of BH cape/cloak due to number of kills you have. These capes/cloaks can also be worn anywhere in the game on any world to increase the chance of people wanting to get them. The capes could be coloured differently, look differently, different patterns, blah blah blah there is a design team for that but it has to look COOL. Also, they have to provide bonuses such as +1 str or mage def or whatever but obviously the stats of the cloak/cape get better each time you get a better tier of cape. The specifics I will leave to you. The cloak would always be kept on death no matter what.

The opportunity to colour ghostly robes or perhaps mystic ahrims etc, obviously the better gear the more points needed to colour the stuff or the more obscure colour the more points etc. So the incentive is you can show off all your kills in your gear.

I think money can be made as there is already a substantial but not unreasonable risk to enter crater, this solves the risk of the cost of consumables etc.

So there you have a choice between 2 completely different pking activities that are both very popular. If you want you can still chose normal world pking for multi etc as it will be more crowded as normal pking is condensed to just that world. Can still organise risk fights with a bigger pool of people... etc etc more fights in 1v1 to.

Thanks for reading and please add to the idea or pick holes in it in a constructive way!

31-Jul-2014 22:02:46

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