
Dev Blog: Bounty Hunter

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The only real update that could dramatically increase PvP activity is the old EP system.

It heavily incentivized regular players to engage in PKing because the potential profit rivaled the best money making methods in the game. As more players started entering the wilderness, more teams and clans formed which boosted the clan world immensely. I've been involved in clan pking for well over 8 years and the ~2010 BH world era was one of the most active in RS history because of this.

I hope Jagex takes this opportunity seriously. A booming clan world is very healthy for the game. RuneScape needs a thriving competitive PvP scene and bringing back the BH\EP system could do that. Consult with and listen to those who actually play to PK, not those who started playing RS in 2009 and rarely pk themselves.

16-Jul-2014 01:36:40 - Last edited on 16-Jul-2014 01:36:53 by Runite

Ole Johann
Dec Member 2023

Ole Johann

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The only reason people used the BH crater was because there was no other alternative.

Its not even good


How come so many like it then? Me included.

A lot of people here saying they like them didn't play when they were introduced. Some like the crater, but it is hugely flawed. Lots of people quit the game because of them, the others that stayed just used the crater, because there was no other option.

How do you know if they were around when the craters were introduced or not?
I'm not saying they are perfect, but they do solve many of the problems current PvP has.
Many quit around those times, but that was more because of the removal of free trade, and removal of wilderness. Most of those that quit didn't even give the craters a chance, and since they were all multi at first, they weren't very appealing either. The later version was actually very good.

If we get craters, PvP in osrs will appeal to so many more players. Then we would have the wilderness, PvP worlds and BH craters, a whole wide range of PvP arenas. If we simply get worlds, there wont be any new players PKing, as its exactly the same as the wilderness*

** worlds are mostly catered to players that want everything to be easy and everything handed to them. Why should players that die more than they kill profit from it? Why should you be able to simply PK without playing the rest of the game?
What happens to the whole economy once they start spawning additional loot?
The players mindset?

The consequenses are much more complicated than many can comprehend.

16-Jul-2014 01:38:00 - Last edited on 16-Jul-2014 01:39:20 by Ole Johann

Ole Johann
Dec Member 2023

Ole Johann

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Loots out of thin air? What is (at very best) a 5M Ancient statuette drop that's rare, any different to teams getting Armadyl Hilts drops? The wilderness was always a majority which should have been prioritized but botters, skillers and PVM'ers always were instead. That's why this game went from 250,000 people online at a time, to 50,000~ between both games. Bringing profit to the wilderness along with a system that keeps PKing enjoyable and addicting, is what will increase the popularity of this game again.

The difference is that statuettes turn into coins, while an item is still an item. Adding that massive amount of coins to the game constantly will make the gp itself be worth less, so every item ingame will start rising in price.

16-Jul-2014 01:45:07

Pink Pecker

Pink Pecker

Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Not really sure how to balance everything out between BH, PVP, Wildy. And I feel no matter what we come up with, people will argue over which way the balance has been shifted. I think the biggest problem right now is the low concentration of players around Player Killing activities, and if we are talking of adding a ANOTHER such activity to further disperse player killers, the whole PK system will slowly collapse. So it's VERY important to start out on the right foot here regarding this.

We seriously need to consider adding timers to these activities. So that some activities are available to players while others have temporarily been disabled. Reason for this is the obvious low player count vs. the high number of worlds. We HAVE to find a way to condense the PKer population, so we spend less time finding people to fight and MORE TIME FIGHTING; who wouldn't want that?

In my opinion we should input the old BH WORLD system into the wilderness in worlds 302 and 365. Also if an individual player that does or does not have an assigned target kills a player that is NOT their target, they should get whatever the player is risking. So players waiting for their EP to rise can still fight in wilderness and receive normal drops vs. having to carry 75k cash and stick near the ditch while avoiding pkers. Those of us that pked in BH worlds perhaps remember killing someone risking 300k+ while only having 5% EP, resulting in salmon drops. I would rather have the 300k+. Further on, players that kill their targets should get whatever their target is risking with an ADDITION of special loot calculated randomly according to their risk and EP % and perhaps even DP. Since we do not have to worry about trade limits in osrs, its pointless to use the old bh world drop mechanics.
Our goal here is to increase the interest of players to PK in the wilderness, whether they are killing only their targets or not killing targets at all. EP and DP should only be connected with target killing be

16-Jul-2014 02:13:08

Pink Pecker

Pink Pecker

Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
because the activity is called BOUNTY Hunter for a reason, increased risk and reward should only come from killing or dying to your target, not just anyone that happens to be in the wildy.

Also besides some minor differences between the current OSRS PVP and wildy, they are almost identical. Players still tend to fight those close to their levels and the major thing that separated PVP from old wildy back in 2008 were the random drops depending on EP. We do not have that in OSRS pvp worlds. The best thing about pvp is the PJ timer IMO. The separation of the pker population between PVP worlds and wildy is a big issue however, and I think if we add bh world mechanics to worlds 302 and 365 it won*t really make that big of a difference if the pker populations are spread out over pvp and bh/wildy. So that’s why I mentioned activity timers earlier in my post. Similar to having different days to train different parts of the body in the gym ( ex. Leg day, back day, arm day etc.) we should have different days in a week where the wildy/ bh worlds are open but pvp has been temporarily been closed. However on weekends we should try to make it so everyone can do whatever they prefer, because some players don’t have time in the week days to play. My best bet would be to have bh/wildy open Monday and wednesay, pvp open Tuesday and Thursday. And starting 12 am gmt Friday until 12am gmt Monday, both activities should be open. This sort of schedule would encourage players to try out all the activities and perhaps even find one they like better.

The reason I came up with this entire post is not because I want to take away PVP from players that enjoy PVP, or take away wildy from players that like to pk there; I just do not want to see our excitement and fun of pking die out because we are spread out too much. Hopefully, once more players start coming back to the game with additional new players, we will be able to make timer go away.

16-Jul-2014 02:14:45 - Last edited on 16-Jul-2014 02:34:14 by Pink Pecker

Pink Pecker

Pink Pecker

Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How about this, instead of getting pvp weapons/armour just from random drops, you can also buy them from Mandrith/Nastroth. But you can only use the artifacts as payments. Just an idea though. This would help stop the coin value decrease.

16-Jul-2014 02:26:26 - Last edited on 16-Jul-2014 02:28:21 by Pink Pecker

pooping afk
Nov Member 2023

pooping afk

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The only real update that could dramatically increase PvP activity is the old EP system.

It heavily incentivized regular players to engage in PKing because the potential profit rivaled the best money making methods in the game. As more players started entering the wilderness, more teams and clans formed which boosted the clan world immensely. I've been involved in clan pking for well over 8 years and the ~2010 BH world era was one of the most active in RS history because of this.

I hope Jagex takes this opportunity seriously. A booming clan world is very healthy for the game. RuneScape needs a thriving competitive PvP scene and bringing back the BH\EP system could do that. Consult with and listen to those who actually play to PK, not those who started playing RS in 2009 and rarely pk themselves.

This. Jagex has failed more times than the clan world can count at listening to the competitive clanning scene and more so focused on those that don't take it seriously and complain about small issues. If Jagex introduced the exact same system they had in 2010 with the 76k risk along with being able to get the full drops from players now, the wilderness would dramatically increase in population.

The downside is that Jagex doesn't fully have control over this due to the voting polls. This is one of the updates that genuinely should not be polled due to the massive amount of people that will ignorantly vote something they know nothing about, ruining what could dramatically increase RS07's player population as a whole.

Now, the target system may pass and the craters may be voted no on, but it's VERY small details that will make this successful that people who are unaware of what actually is going on behind the scenes, will vote no on. If there's no EP, this will fail. If there's no statuettes and instead silly new items like Dragon Warhammers, this will fail.

Jagex needs to pay attention this time around.

16-Jul-2014 02:36:13

Ole Johann
Dec Member 2023

Ole Johann

Posts: 1,111 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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This. Jagex has failed more times than the clan world can count at listening to the competitive clanning scene and more so focused on those that don't take it seriously and complain about small issues. If Jagex introduced the exact same system they had in 2010 with the 76k risk along with being able to get the full drops from players now, the wilderness would dramatically increase in population.

The downside is that Jagex doesn't fully have control over this due to the voting polls. This is one of the updates that genuinely should not be polled due to the massive amount of people that will ignorantly vote something they know nothing about, ruining what could dramatically increase RS07's player population as a whole.

You still only seem to think about yourself regarding this issue. Ofcourse EP/DP, 76k tricks and whatever ******** you want will profit you, but it will harm the entire game in the long run. If you still cannot see that, there is really no point trying to explain it any further.
I do fully understand why you would want it personally, and I agree it might boost the activity for a very short period of time, but in the long run its going to be a major mistake.

Mark my words.

16-Jul-2014 04:05:47 - Last edited on 16-Jul-2014 04:08:12 by Ole Johann

Stellas Star

Stellas Star

Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Bounty Hunter system was designed to give pking a financial reward along with your usual pking rush, while still balancing free trade. Now that we have Free Trade back (thank you, once again) why not add some other benefit to Bounty Hunter, such as Brawler Gloves.

Brawler Gloves incentivise PVE players to get their feet wet with some of their slayer money and try out their hand with the DDS. Double Agility XP was a pretty rad drop for me back in the day.

Bounty Hunter was fun, and I would like to try it again with my quite strange Void Pure (>**** ;) . Please impliment some ADDITIONAL BENEFIT TO A PLAYERS DROPS. Nothing too durastic but something that will bring PVE players and PVP players together. This helps the economy too.

Weather it be Craters or not I will give the system a try. What if craters had multiple entrances, and mostly single combat areas. If you attack an innocent bystander then cant leave for X minutes, but can dodge piles at the single exit.

Just please don't leave us standing in an area collecting BH points with nothing else to train or do. Weren't there slayer monsters in the Craters? I liked that.

16-Jul-2014 04:21:34

Daddyz Kraj

Daddyz Kraj

Posts: 578 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"A points system could also be introduced where after every rogue kill on a BH world you receive 1 point, and after every target kill you receive 10. These points could then be used to buy items or imbues from a PvP-related reward shop."------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NO!!! Terrible idea!!!! Do you know how many people will be farming kills? This is not a good idea. The Abuse, people will lure/rush/farm/pj for these points... it will make the new bounty hunter a mess... i'm sorry to say this but this isn't a very good idea. People will pretty much just try to sell kills. or abuse this sytem, what i Storngly Recommend is bring back bounty hunter the way it was!!! Exactly the way it was, with just a few minor changes that'll fix problems that were had in the past.

16-Jul-2014 05:11:10

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