Personally, I enjoyed the EP system on certain worlds, with a few Tweaks.
Numerous and numerous of fights, both players using verac, dh, etc, would get a kill, expecting some nice loot, even though they weren't your target. Looking on the ground for this superb loot you're about to receive, just to realize it's a rune platebody, and some other garbage loot REALLY upset a large amount of players.
SO! I suggest this, have an EP target system, which having a target was very nice, and fun, but make it so when you get a kill you get their items, AND have a chance to get some EP items, based off your ep %.
I know 76k'ing was a problem back in the day for players to "cheat the system"... so my solution to this would be, have it so your ep % ONLY works if they are your target. What are two players going to do? kill each other for 76k back and forth? Seems rather pointless, and I believe if the worlds become populated, with enough legitimate pkers, 76king won't be that big of a problem, but who knows, I could be wrong.
Another thought, to help "slow down" 76king. instead of gaining EP by afk'ing in the wilderness, what if you gained your % via killing targets? Then when you got to 100% you could "unlock it" for your next fight, win or lose, it goes to 0. I'm sure your staff could rework a drop table so it wouldn't be to overpowered, but still be enticing to want to fight your target!
anyways! BH was a nice place to have fun in, but when you were a good berserker pure, that just got pushed into one of the higher craters, getting assigned fights with DH pkers (70 def, maxed) it was completely unbalanced.
A world, with regular pking areas - in the wilderness, not like pvp worlds - with an added target system with a possibility of EP (maybe ep % gained from killing a numerous of targets?), in my opinion, is the best system.
10-Jul-2014 13:51:42