My thought on lootshare is have all worlds lootshare worlds, but make instances for teams so they can not interfere with solo players. In other words if you are using lootshare, you will always be in an instance to fight a boss.
I am very concerned being a solo player about being crashed by teams, but at the same time want teams to be able to use every world without interfering with solo game play.
Perhaps make separate areas on the same world for Lootshare and for non lootshare combat VS bosses, so teams using lootshare could not enter non lootshare areas, and players not using lootshare could not enter lootshare areas.
LSP should not decrease unless you get a drop.
If LSP is negative it should increase after each kill, not based on time. If you didn't play or didn't kill anything for six months your LSP would not change, and any drops you get solo would not effect LSP, so only kills when on a team using lootshare would effect LSP.
I agree on not adding coinshare to the game. Shardshare is a possible solution.
Using ranks in friends chats I think would be useful, as well as an option for anyone in friends chat and in the boss room to get a share.
Another thought is a toggle to not use LSP and simply have a random chance equal among everyone to get a drop every time or always give to the person with highest LSP.
29-Jan-2016 22:14:44