1.Yes to coin share -----------(With a reliable way of not damaging the existing economy) I like this idea the best..........The second someone gets a sigil or Bandos chestplate, the rest of the team will NOT feel justified by constant petty drops ( rune, nats, magic logs, high lvl seeds, ect) It just wont satisfy the team members knowing someone walked away with a buffet while the rest if left to mere scraps...........imo ==============
2. Decay or No Decay? -------Not comfortable answering this question...Just don't know which would be best to be honest. =============
3. Maybe go half & half on the lootshare and non-lootshare worlds? Again not so sure on this answer. ==============
4.NO to visible LSP ------------ Leads to players constantly leaving and searching for new groups in seek to be the highest ranked in LSP.....which in terms leads to slower and less reliable team pvm team building............
I hope this help and best of luck to the entire OSRS team. Thank you on all your hard work and devotion.
29-Jan-2016 18:17:13