Okay, so after about an hour or so, I've read through all 19 pages of comments, and for your convenience, have condensed most of the comments into the following tally list. Tallies for comments count only once per person, but if one person comments several opinions, they will be added to the tally for each one.
The Major Questions
In descending order of frequency:
Should push the update to next January: 56
Do not want the update at all: 21
O.K. with the update in February: 15
Out of 92 separate comments explicitly stating their opinion on the update:
60.9% said push the update to Zeah batch 3
22.8% said they don't want the update at all
16.3% said they're O.K. with an early release
Incoming TL;DR...
The Other Stuff
This is a conglomeration of different comments not necessarily related to the big questions, listed in descending frequency:
Would like the range/mage capes as well: 32
Too much melee content/no need for BiS for melee: 24
Doesn't fit Old School style: 16
Graphics don't really matter: 11
Don't like art: 11
Would like to see the new boss on Zeah itself: 10
Should have separate bosses for different capes: 8
Require sacrificing a Fire cape: 7
Update still pushed on us even though poll failed: 6
Reduce stats on cape: 6
More lore should surround it: 4
Make it upgrade fire cape instead: 4
Should push update to summer instead: 3
Where's the Prayer bonus?: 3
Fight should be restricted to one style only: 2
: Tallies are only marked if at least
people have stated the opinion. This means that one comment can add several tallies to the list, provided they've given an explicit opinion on it. I've done my best not to include matching opinions from the same person in this tally, though there can be errors. This is, after all, a
consensus based off of this particular thread, and is purely anecdotal.
21-Jan-2016 02:42:21
- Last edited on
21-Jan-2016 02:50:25
BHBoost Dave