I would prefer if Jagex would focus on BiS Magic or Range Cape first, especially range, if they are no longer being rewarded from Jad 2. As of now melee has plenty of viable cape options. Range has accumulator and in a few instances, the 99 range cape. On the topic of BiS range cape, I believe they said it would not have the accumulator's effect which would be a mistake IMO. The cape would have such limited use it might as well not be added into the game. Outside of a few scenarios it would never be used, the only uses for it would be:
1. Chinning
2. Crystal/Karils Bow (which is hardly used anyways)
3. D Bow Speccing
I'd like to see Jagex delay the fire cape 2 until Zeah 3 and instead focus on a range cape with the accumulator's effect and possibly a magic cape with similar rune saving capabilities as the Staff of the Dead first.
20-Jan-2016 17:15:11