James Bond
I think you should stop making these stupid updates, I play oldschool because it's oldschool and all you stupid idiots do is making it new school*
** you and your jad 2.
Yeah, most people came here because the EoC came. Not because they wanted to play a version of the game from 2007.
I came back to play 2007. Had they brought back 2012 I would not have even logged in once.
Updates in the spirit of 2004-2007 Scape are acceptable. Unique content is acceptable. We just don't want terrible updates like Chaotics, Overload, Summoning, and so on to enter this game because it will destroy balance. Likewise we want to preserve difficulty similar to the 04-07 era.
You would not have as many players if this was 2012.
Long live the Wilderness. Long live risk vs reward in PVM. Long live 2006.