I have the same problem that I did on the first introduction of this content. It devalues the elite ardougne cape and will dissuade players from putting the many hours into achieving it when you can get a better one in like 2-3 hours? I've spent 2 months gaining the requirements for the ac4, solely so I can enjoy corporeal beast in the best gear, and I'll be getting it in about 2 weeks. If this content comes out mid february, I'll have what i've been working for intensely for not even a month and then it will be useless. I am not ok with that. Now that you've given the option to release it next January though, I'm a lot more comfortable with that idea. Give players time to better their accounts, increase their stats, do some more quests, and enjoy the game as whole while utilizing the achievement diaries and stopping them from becoming dead content as they're still quite new.
Another fact. If the new cape is released and a player tries, but fails to get it, what's stopping them from paying another player to do it for them? This will probably lead to scamming, extreme fluctuation in item prices, and a false sense of achievement, which I'm sure is not what Jagex is trying to display to the community. Thank you.
- m 7 , member of Stud Unit, winner of the 2015 pvm cup
20-Jan-2016 23:54:13