I think that it's smart that you guys removed the magic/ranged cape for this dev blog, It was just stupid to poll 3 best in slot capes for all 3 attack styles at the same time. I still think that there is no need for a new best in slot melee cape at this point in the game though since tons of people still struggle with the current Fight Caves. I will vote no again.
Wait until next year please then you can fix things and maybe the community will want it more or something also i think your next task should be maybe a better graphics?
Keep it simple guys. A Jad expansion doesn't seem necessary as I, and many of my friends on RS have yet to complete JAD...it is by far the hardest thing in RS.
Instead of adding to the Fight Caves, perhaps make a new minigame that is equally challenging and give another best in slot item for it, such as a crossbow that is better than the rune cbow, but possibly a little less powerful than armadyl bow.
Another challenging mini game that is tense like the fight caves
Push back till after Zeah part 3 in my opinion. Everything is done better when it is not rushed.
I would like to see a version of the magic and ranged capes come in to the game with it or by some other means as well.