The progression for earning favour in Hosidious house could use some tweaks.
Konoo at the Saltpetre mine should tell use where to sell the Fertiliser after we make it by mixing Saltpetere with normal compost. He tells us we can sell it to Hosidious House but doesn't tell us where. It would be nice if he said we could sell it in the building to the West of the Saltpetre mine.
It is very boring pushing a plow and making fertiliser with saltpetre after a while, and not seeing any significant XP gains and no GP gains, and having no other alternatives for gaining favour until we get 45% favour, since I am nowhere near being able to grow Spirit trees. For Hosidious House, I'd like to see more activities for between 5% and 45% favour lower level players can do, preferably while also gaining Farming XP. Like maybe growing things and selling the produce to Hosidious House for Favour.
I am trying to make fertiliser with saltpetre and normal compost but quickly ran low on normal compost. Right now I am wanting to make normal compost but not wanting to go back to the mainland to do it.
Are there any compost bins for making normal compost nearby? If not, Jagex should definitely add some. I couldn't find any, and would suggest putting four compost bins near the Saltpetre mining area.
Edit: I decided to buy normal compost in Catherby.
Being able to use the spirit tree patch is out of the question for low level players, so probably some other activities could be added lower levels could do. Being able to plant herb seeds or other things like corn, would feel like I was training Farming and find it more fun.
After I plow the fields I would like to be able to plant some things and see them grow.
I've so far only looked around the docks and the Hosidous house areas. The areas I've seen so far look nice. I hope more content will be added to give more useful things to do for training skills and earning GP.
I'm looking forward to exploring more.
10-Jan-2016 17:49:14
- Last edited on
10-Jan-2016 17:59:47