13 Novtumber, 5A 169
I spoke with a man by the name of Ronan, who spun a tale of a great land of which its seas were said to stretch farther than any oceanic region of Gielinor. He even went so far as to say the land is unbeknownst to Saradomin Himself! He called this landmass
. I would study on this more.
19 Novtumber, 5A 169
It has been nearly a week's time since I learned of the mysterious eastern land. I have devoted much of these sleepless days to finding its secrets -- though luck has been unkind. I've taken to reading beneath the moons in an effort to be granted lunar wisdom of this unfamiliar place.
21 Novtumber, 5A 169
Just when my endeavor seemed for naught, I have struck gold! A tome, found buried in the hidden libraries of the Varrock Palace, unsullied by the wear of time. The only visible markings are born on the bindings, and they appear to be glyphs of ancient Eastern origin. I will begin my work shortly.
30 Wintumber, 5A 169
Saradomin blessed He! I have become weary in my attempts to read this tome. I have deciphered the glyphs, but the pages! They are all but blank! It seems no amount of magics nor prayers will reveal the secrets to Zaya. It will not be long before I must put this quest behind me, lest I am taken by lunacy.
10 Rintra, 5A 169
It has been many moons since I have gazed upon the old tome. Hours have I sat in my study, thinking upon picking up the book, ever heavy with its secrets. Until today, I have refused to carry it; still it wracks me with enormous burden. No longer. Tome in pack, I plan to make a journey to Crandor within the hour.
10 Rintra, 5A 169
Quickly, I must make an entry! Long has it been since I have seen the Port of Sarim. So long that I have not noticed the renovations on its eastern platform. Perched on its dock is a ship with four large letters painted on its port:
, a slender robed man its captain.
10-Jan-2016 09:17:26