"Just proof that you haven't been here since the beginning. Sorry bro, but move along. If you were here, you would remember the poll. Now go level your account and prepare for #sailing."
So, you can't offer proof of your statement and that means I wasn't here when OS started? lol you are one funny chick.
You can't read that very same FAQ and see where it says MMG is the cause of polls in OS (even tho we never reached the vote count to get them) and that means I can't read?
And finally, you don't like what I have to say so that means I should move along and go lvl cb to catch up to your total lvl?
Newsflash for ya hun:
I don't need cb lvls to vote no (and presently, and nearing 1600 total in OS, I don't need to do anything else in order to vote no).
You are in for a shocker when they poll this puppy. Haha you have me looking forward to watching it crash and burn.
Nowhere else in these forums have I seen anybody try to respond to every post in a thread that wasn't their own. Are you u*forgiven's alt? lol
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.
16-Aug-2015 03:16:04