Sailing sounds kind of fun actually, but after looking through all of these posts and seeing how players are asking for dungeoneering instead, why not combine them both? Make sailing into a kind of dungeoneering 2.0 where instead of floors there would be different tiers of islands, each requiring a higher sailing level to get to, and a mission to do on each island. Think of the player owned ports map, except you actually get to sail to the islands instead of just send a ship and wait for it to return.
You could also still purchase your own ship, and upgrade it with resources you get from completing missions. You would ride the ship for anywhere from ~3-12 minutes on the way to the island, and on the way you would be able to fish up some food, and possibly other resources to aid in completing the island (perhaps stat boosting consumables or trinket type items?), and even may have to fight pirates, sea monsters, or other encounters to make it to the island itself. Then you have to do a small mission on the island you go to, such as raid a building for goods, defend a town from pirates/sea monsters, help find buried treasure (and perhaps a kill a boss, or search a labyrinth to find it) or even just help stranded sailors return home.
It could be similar to dungeoneering in that is utilizes all the other skills in the game as well. Combat could scale with your level, or perhaps not, but allow you to have a crew as well (be them real players or NPCs you hire to go with you for resources (lowering your net resource income, but making it faster/easier to progress or complete high level islands for somewhat faster xp gains). However, to raid a building, you could use your thieving to steal a key, break in, and sneak out with the loot, or perhaps use agility to scale nearby buildings and find a way in through the roof, or just bash your way in. To rescue people, you may need fishing, cooking, herblore, etc. get them healthy enough to sail home.
Continued next post.
09-Aug-2015 07:06:19
- Last edited on
09-Aug-2015 08:40:40
Shunpo Kitty