Sounds fresh and unique to me. I would totally prefer this over dungeoneering and summoning because I have always wanted content to be new and not a copy paste of something else.
I agree! i think this will be a great update if they don't cut any corners to speed up the release. This is the kind of new fresh material I personally have been waiting for. Exploring new unknown lands is why I started playing runescape 9 years ago! You might even say I'm all hands on deck for sailing ;D
How are the mechanics going to be with this skill? Will it be similar to the sailing in quests like Cabin Fever, or like the cutscene during Dragon Slayer?
I'll be voting no because it should take at least another five years before a huge content change like this happens especially with so much already needing to keep an eye on. However a better name would be "exploration" or "levitation" get rid of the boat all together. soar around above like the underground world of runecrafting.
Hmm,sailing eh? Well i guess its not bad and all but with many people protesting on it, rather than naming it sailing,IMO it should be called Exploration.Well here's a bit of my idea
Exploration Guidelines
1.Rather than you build up all of your ships and all,you could just ask a captain or any sailing crew to take you somewhere to the uncharted seas or just use map if you got it.
2.Now,if you don't want to lose your time gambling on going somewhere without directions,you can obtain pieces of map at Gielinor from doing numerous of things like skilling,combat or playing minigames.When you have all the pieces of the map,you can combine them and ready yourself for some fun exploration!
3.By this time I'm sure you wondering how the heck you would level up your Exploration skill than just visiting islands.Well that is by interacting with all of the different things there by using your current skill levels!With that you won't be bored doing the same old things like you did in RS3,instead you can train your skills on different items and Npc's!
4.Well even though with the all of the new stuffs and all,I think it would be much more better that what you can do with Exploration skill stays with it which means that you can never ever bring anything that you find with you to
.If you want to try some of the new combat stuffs though,I guess it would be good that there should be a place over there where you can use your gears for PvP
(Again not in Gielinor and ofc not tradeable)
.If you are still itching to show it off at Gielinor,maybe you can have a replica of your gear like a costume.
Thats just a bit of my idea on the new skill so if you want to improve it you can add your own ideas.Then again when I think about sailing it reminds me of the Eastern Lands...yeah Jagex can I please go there now?
As much attention that goes into making it as much needs to go into editing it and working on it for years after. So with that said osrs has not even been out for three years and all the current content and skills should still be getting tweeked and evened out, why add an extra when you are not ready. Also I've been watching the developing and it is not at all promising it is a cute little idea but what you have worked up is not at all a feasible skill.