I am not sure if that was mentioned but other than exploring will there be random encounters as well?
Discovering new mining spots or locations that benefit other skills would make it more desiring in my opinion. Is that even possible?
Whatever will happen I am looking forward to see that skill in my beloved Old School Runescape!
I really hope this doesn't pass the polls, lately the majority of votes is really confusing me, features that seem awful, this was designed to be RS as it was in 2007, if you want to incorporate content, put it into the already stuffed(full) RS3
0 X O 0 X 01
I really hope this doesn't pass the polls, lately the majority of votes is really confusing me, features that seem awful, this was designed to be RS as it was in 2007, if you want to incorporate content, put it into the already stuffed(full) RS3
Sailing failed the poll over in August. Not only that, but OSRS has loads of new content exclusive to the game.
If OSRS was as you say "as it was in 2007" there wouldn't be anywhere near as many people playing it as there are now
i enjoy the idea of having more varied types of personal property in osrs. Who doesn't want to build their own ship and do upkeep on it. such potential for an expansion on new mechanics for osrs and even runescape as a whole.
We need a new skill regardless if it's Sailing, personally i think summoning would be too OP and ruin the game. RS3 combat is what ruined the game. Point blank. Not summoning. Just made farming easy and messed up the GE fragile market.
Make a NEW MOD POST about a NEW SKILL please, you're literally killing people with the suspense JAGEX