PERSONALLY, I think that this 'skill' looks to be more like a mini-game. Of course I haven't seen enough content to make a final decision, but as of now I'll be voting 'no'.
I don't think construction is a very good skill to begin with...%90 of players who use construction use it for 2 reasons
1. Guilded Altar
2. Glory teleport
I just hope that a butt-load of dead content won't be added that will only temporarily bring people from the mainland to level it's content.
If sailing is to be released, what I'd like to see is a REASON to do it. Not just cause "Hey we want a new skill"
A worry of mine is that with the new continent already being worked on that this skill will be released "Half assed" and without enough content
It should have a designated reward system that is desired by players, BUT not too overpowered.
AND it should have some replay value as to not create 'dead islands' that you'll only find people training sailor in.
One suggestion I have is a massive sailing port, in which once high enough sailing level, a player could sail to every town/city touching the ocean from it.
along the lines of:
1.Improved cluescroll tools.
2.Scurvy-Preventing food that works as anti-poison.(ate some oranges now k)
3.Flare guns that create a certain color dot (or array of dots) on the minimap. (used for scaring/giving location in wilderness)
4. Seagulls that work as hawks as in hunter and catch seafood instead of kebbits.
5. Grenades: Use like chinchompas for AOE ranged damage.
6. A Cabin boy: Helps with sailing maintenance and gets items from bank.
7. Parrot: Picks up gems and gold drops from monsters for you.
8. Improved harpoons/reels for deepsea fishing.
9. Relics: These could be discovered in ancient cities that you sail to.
Again, as of now I'm voting no, if the skill looks more promising in later blogs I will vote yes.
08-Aug-2015 01:03:46