zilyana is of the light she should drop something that brings light to darker areas not only against the zamorakian dungeon but anywhere you go and anywhere you go you'll put off a lighter aura.
the max cape is a representation of all skills being maxed so it should give inceased experience when using it on any skills,possibly increased loot or chances at recieving extra loot on all skills that give loot or something along the lines of what it pertains to and not undermine tz tok jad the fire cape boss when the skill cape has nothing to do with tztok jad but should give better bonuses and this is plus to stat on your stats atleast +6 to hitpoints,attack,strength,defence,prayer,range because it represents all 6 so +6 to all or something so 105 would be your stat on all these and maybe +10 to all skilling stats or something, make it pertain to what it is and the difficulty to obtain it and not be underscaled for what it is and undermine something it doesnt have to do with like tztok jad and be really underwhelming getting what about 100 people have in like 2 years into runescape release be the same as fire cape.
the goal of barrows is get the loot get out quick not have to click another x at the top right and take more time when mobs/rocks are hitting you or be in your line of sight making it more difficult to get around in the already kinda difficult barrows doors etc so no to the clue scroll pop up for barrows loot.
fishing is boring and unprofitable versus time over alot of things so how about fishing gear that actually gives a good experience bonus instead of +2.5% and because it takes possibly 4 days or more or a very long time to go get full set and then go do fishing and whenever you catch 40 fish its like you get an extra one fish of experience and this is how it would be most likely.
the converting zulrah drops to scales may be ok but it won't be permament whenever prices fluxuate and its not the solution later on either because price fluxuation.
30-Jul-2015 02:43:42