I agree to a point that skeletal Wyverns and Zulrah are a bit generous. I personally think a drop table like theirs should be applied to high slay level monsters. I'm only 83 slayer but I always thought with most skills, the higher your level, the more opportunities it should be to make money. With that concept I think that's something we can work towards.
As far as splashing goes, it's only done as an alternate for magic training and I honestly don't see a problem with it. YES you are allowed to do it for 6 hrs and such afk but due to little training methods for magic I think it should be left alone. People can easily spend tons of money to burst or do other methods and buy the 99 like with herblore so to me it's just like with other skills that have alternatives that are really cheap but at the cost of taking a lot longer...I don't see a problem...especially since you can't do anything else...
If you want to lower splashing, give magic some more ways to train such as with slayer,minigames,PVM etc. Make more PVM/slayer monsters require magic and also give us the LIVID FARM or something similiar. People may also want a game like stealing creation....let people have fun but still get exp but maybe at a lower rate. Some people I know used to train magic at castle wars just because it was fun lol.....so give us that and you will see some of those issues lower.
21-May-2015 02:01:14