
F2P Discussion

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25-Jan-2015 22:20:59



Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
and to be honest i have no idea whos idea the whole projection graph was but its , irrelevant, inaccurate, has nothing to do with anything, and also is a lie. none of that information is true because it cant be, your guessing, in your favor to get the stupid people to vote in your favor, stop telling people what you think is going to happen and let them figure it out for themselves,,,, its better than being labeled a lier.... js

trying to stop rwt? your trying to move the money thats going into other peoples pockets into your by REAL WORLD TRADING i would like to report jagex ltd for rwt, because buying a bond is the same thing as going to a farming site to buy them, your just getting the money yourself your not getting rid of rwt's your condoning it like wtf?
you guys make 0 cents, and 0 dollers.

25-Jan-2015 22:25:09 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2015 22:27:50 by Taank



Posts: 39 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I know my opinion my not matter, but i'd still like to share it.

To preface this I need to say that I'm the kind of player that loves forced player interaction, because while game systems like the G.E can be interesting, actual people are generally more interesting. Even if the G.E solves the issue of having the struggle to find certain items, it also devalues all of the items within the game, which in turn devalues the time that a player has spent within the game. But I digress. What I'm trying to say is that there is a certain complexity to the way that Old School Runescape worked that made oldschool such an enjoyable game. newer solutions like the G.E and more recently like the bonds undermine very important design choices that made Old School Runescape such a great game. Giving the ability, in any form to officially buy in game currency with real money makes playing the game for extended periods time worthless, because one could simply mitigate that time by spending real money for ingame currency. This also effectively devalues the time that people have already spent playing the game.

My last point to make here is that I find it quite appalling that they went through with the G.E whilst not changing the core ideas and concepts of the G.E when the poll itself was very close. There was a large amount of people who did not want the G.E in the game, simply saying the 51% wins, is alienating those players, and many of them (like myself) are simply going to unsubscribe. I feel very strongly that bonds as such should not be incorporated in any way, and that is just my opinion. If the vast majority of players disagree with me, this should be put in the game. However if only 51% of people would like this in the game; there needs to be another discussion on the topic rather than to push it through because such a flimsy 'majority' voted for it to pass.

With the exception of the GE I think Jagex has done a great job of RS, and hope they continue to do

25-Jan-2015 22:34:08



Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
you cant just tell people that something will fail before you know its going to fail!!!!!! (this is a lie, not a mistake but a lie.) to get you to vote what they want you to.))
or they will never vote for it, that was a lie and whoever said it should stand up and admit they where wrong. you are not leaving it up to us to vote your priming the entire community to vote for the same thing , which is the same thing as you choosing for us. you made the announcement so it could only end in one way, either you vote for what is OBVIOUSLY project to work or your just stupid, and wont matter anyway? why poll it when you decided for everyone just in the announcement?
this is getting ridicules

there is a REAL word for this, and its called PRIMING and its NOT right that's NOT how you let the people of rs CONTROL the game YOUR controlling it just by the words to say to the community.
great job guyss greeeaattt job

more like a conspiracy to commit runescape 3

25-Jan-2015 22:35:30



Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Shushou said :
I know my opinion my not matter, but i'd still like to share it.

To preface this I need to say that I'm the kind of player that loves forced player interaction, because while game systems like the G.E can be interesting, actual people are generally more interesting. Even if the G.E solves the issue of having the struggle to find certain items, it also devalues all of the items within the game, which in turn devalues the time that a player has spent within the game. But I digress. What I'm trying to say is that there is a certain complexity to the way that Old School Runescape worked that made oldschool such an enjoyable game. newer solutions like the G.E and more recently like the bonds undermine very important design choices that made Old School Runescape such a great game. Giving the ability, in any form to officially buy in game currency with real money makes playing the game for extended periods time worthless, because one could simply mitigate that time by spending real money for ingame currency. This also effectively devalues the time that people have already spent playing the game.

I find it quite appalling that they went through with the G.E whilst not changing the core ideas and concepts of the G.E when the poll itself was very close. There was a large amount of people who did not want the G.E in the game, simply saying the 51% wins, is alienating those players, and many of them (like myself) are simply going to unsubscribe. I feel very strongly that bonds as such should not be incorporated in any way, and that is just my opinion. If the vast majority of players disagree with me, this should be put in the game. However if only 51% of people would like this in the game; there needs to be another discussion on the topic rather than to push it through because such a flimsy 'majority' voted for it to pass.

With the exception of the GE I think Jagex has

could not have been put better

25-Jan-2015 22:39:38 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2015 22:41:51 by Taank



Posts: 12 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After all I read, all that need to be said is RIP osrs. Good thing I went ironman mode because otherwise I would be long gone by now with all that rs3 stuff you guys poll. I expect to quit this game in a couple of months at the rate these polls are coming. What you kids want is 2012 scape not 2007 scape, please don't ruin it for the others.

So here we go now I guess, let the kids buy there ags with IRL money in a legal way!

25-Jan-2015 22:42:07



Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
[#MZUGYA7LB] said :
Here are my thoughts. OSRS was released because players wanted it back. In my opinion, some of the core distinctions between OSRS and RS3 are:

1) The graphics
2) Classic pking (i.e. no EOC)
3) Skills being too easy to lvl
4) Bonds
5) GE (which we just voted in)

If 1) and 2) change, I will certainly be done with OSRS. My question to Jagex would be, if you released OSRS, why are you slowly turning it into RS3? The players clearly wanted OSRS, and the path we're on is turning into RS3.

I'm definitely for updates and game growth, but try to make updates original and not what's already been done in RS3. I'm for f2p, but not for bonds. I'm not convinced by the arguments Jagex gave for needing bonds. Also, I don't know why it's so hard to determine who is a botter, but for F2P why don't you just restrict trading of Yew logs/lobsters. I recently reported a botter who is cutting Yew Logs in member, and that was 4 days ago and he is still cutting them so can't be trying that hard to get rid of them.

this is gold also could not have been put better, a mod better be reading this
clearly im not the only one who is seeing past your lies, you have an objective to hit, and as oldschool players we need to make sure we do whats right for us and our game not for their pockets

25-Jan-2015 22:45:30



Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
IronmanHq said :
After all I read, all that need to be said is RIP osrs. Good thing I went ironman mode because otherwise I would be long gone by now with all that rs3 stuff you guys poll. I expect to quit this game in a couple of months at the rate these polls are coming. What you kids want is 2012 scape not 2007 scape, please don't ruin it for the others.

So here we go now I guess, let the kids buy there ags with IRL money in a legal way!

gold stuff right here jagex get the point yet???

25-Jan-2015 22:46:28

Wild Steward

Wild Steward

Posts: 16 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First of all, yes I'am mad.

Okey this is some of my arguments for being against bonds.
To start things off, what did RuneScape say themselfs back in the day?
"We don’* want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn’t affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape."
And to the people that don't understand what the meaning of this is, bonds is bought for real life money and sold for RS** = Buying RuneScape success for IRL status.

Please JaGeX, if it aint broke dont fix it, okey?

You were talking about a 5 year/loss in players. You stated that in about 5 years you would have lost about 10% of the community, oh well the community who is still there would have been satisfied. Now on the other hand when bonds and F2P will come you will get more money because you get a bigger community, a less satisfied community.

F2P is good, I like F2P but with bonds? H*ll no!
F2P will bring bots, no matter what and you know it.
F2P will also bring more players to the game which will all help to decrease the value of our resources.

Judging from the likes/dislikes on the "Important F2P Discuss....." video....
Cya RWTscape. 2006.2015.


25-Jan-2015 22:48:59

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