The way I feel about this:
DO NOT INTRODUCE BONDS LIKE IN RS3, it completely ***** up the game. People will be able to buy their way to success again etc. IT WILL BE A REASON FOR ME TO STOP PLAYING, and I have a veteran account, so I LOVE THIS GAME.
HOWEVER, if you so desperately want to introduce bonds please put some limit to how many of these bonds people can buy (like 1 per month per member account for instance), to limit the exploit potential of buying bonds and selling for osrs GP.
But yeah, to be honest I don't think 07's problems will be solved with just offering bonds. I personally feel that 07 is dying because of a lack of free to play. WE NEED NOOBS in the game to be motivated to keep on playing, to be able to help and troll new players and to show off our own achievements. It sounds lame, but thats what this game is about for lots of us. It is NO FUN to only be around maxed out characters that are already here for +10 years.
The short trials of f2p you introduced can impossibly demonstrate to you (JAGEX) what the effect is of new players etc. on the long run. This is not something that is going to pay out on a short term basis. People need to get interested again. They need to be allowed to join the game, leave it untouched for a while and come back because they miss it. You should offer extended f2p in order to get substantial amounts of new players in to keep the game worlds filled with players among which lots of noobs, but also to offer these players the chance to first complete f2p before becoming a member. People need to get into a game, because lets be honest.. You don't sign up for any newspaper contract either after trying it out for a few days. You only sign up when you miss the paper when its gone, and in the case of 07 there is no chance to come back, because your f2p trial will be over.
C'mon JAGEX, this is going into the wrong direction. Give us noobs or you'll lose all of us.
25-Jan-2015 23:23:41