Jagex is blatantly manipulating the community. I'm honestly dishearten and baffled.
Jagex is pushing mtx into osrs and the community is just giving in. What Jagex is doing is just so ******* scummy. Bonds alone would never ever pass a poll and they know that so they tie it with ftp. They're manipulating the community into voting for mtx. Their excuse is that ftp can't exist without bonds. That's a load of ******** and Mod Data can put his ******** graph away. Runescape has always thrived with ftp and osrs wouldn't be any different. It's really frustrating seeing the community just roll over.
For those basically saying osrs bonds are fine since we already have swapping: The issue is that the extent of rwt will be much greater with osrs bonds. That's what Jagex are gaining out of this, more people rwting. Swapping itself is already a big issue that has plagued osrs for a while. So, it's funny people sort of justifying an issue with another issue. In the survey 27% wanted swapping fixed without a poll and 21% wanted a fix polled. That being said, it's shocking seeing osrs bonds receive 90% support when nearly half the community acknowledged swapping is an issue. That's just a result of Jagex successfully manipulating the community. The whole mentality of it is just so backwards. They should be fixing swapping rather than making it worse.
Ruining game integrity with mtx for ftp isn't worth it. It's just paving the way to more mtx by making the community more accepting of them with bonds. In the long term ruining game integrity with mtx is more damaging than not having ftp in my opinion. Honestly ftp is even necessary. Osrs is growing quite well. This past month we've been peaking at around 29k-30k players. This time last year it was peaking at around 20k-23k players. That's with 70% bot reduction. This game isn't dying and ftp isn't going to bring back 200k players so stop acting like it. The whole change of opinion within the community is surprising. In a matter of we
26-Jan-2015 17:16:47