
F2P Discussion

Quick find code: 380-381-144-65560976

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just an idea ^^.

Player A wants to sell a bond in-game
Player B wants to buy a bond in-game
Player A sells the bond to a NPC middleman/G.E for 4 mil
Player B buys the bond from the middleman for 6 mil
The middleman NPC takes the 2 mil and creates a money sink

26-Jan-2015 17:58:32

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26-Jan-2015 18:03:59

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26-Jan-2015 18:06:27

Lewis Shoot
Oct Member 2005

Lewis Shoot

Posts: 3,825 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Don't force bonds and mtx upon us. You already asked if we wanted bonds and that was incredibly clear we didn't.

If you add perm F2P the membership levels may drop faster but there will be more people playing overall because they'll be F2P. More people will be willing to restart their accounts because they're doing F2P content without paying.
It's not like osrs needs to make a lot more money because to keep it old school we don't need a lot of updates, despite the fact you force them down our throat.

Of course as a business you want more members to get more money, but if you do a small F2P update every so often people will come to the game to play that, then they'll want to play the members content more.
RIP Forums :(
Finally we have signatures in the surprise forum update. I'm Lewis, I play Old School & I've been playing since 2005.

26-Jan-2015 18:11:31

Val Pkayz U

Val Pkayz U

Posts: 20 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This 2 posts are terrible and a useless way to solve bot problems:

• On F2P restrict trading of resources off an account until a certain amount of quest points have been reached
• On F2P and after level 20 combat you do not receive combat XP for damaging an NPC if your combat level is more than twice its combat level

Why? Because there is not a huge variety of places and monsters to train with and because the legit players will be paying the consequences of the bots and the bad way that jagex is dealing with them.

What about the players who will play "pure" accounts wich wont be able to do or do not need to do quest for their acount or such quests will affect their "pure" status, it is just ridiculus to restric the traiding of resources as a solution.

Btw, english is not my primary language so I apologise for my grammar mistakes.

26-Jan-2015 18:12:13

Jul Member 2014


Posts: 67 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Players will continue to RWT no matter what happens.... There is nothing that will ever stop it nothing at all.... So why would you continue to fight against bonds when at least with bonds thousands of others benefit with F2P and more players will be able to save real life money without the risk of swap cc's. I'de rather see the money go to jagex to make our game better than go to gold farmers. The choice really is that simple

Money goes to Jagex to improve our game VS Money going to gold farmers to ruin our game. Pick a side guys.

26-Jan-2015 18:29:09

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