This 2 posts are terrible and a useless way to solve bot problems:
• On F2P restrict trading of resources off an account until a certain amount of quest points have been reached
• On F2P and after level 20 combat you do not receive combat XP for damaging an NPC if your combat level is more than twice its combat level
Why? Because there is not a huge variety of places and monsters to train with and because the legit players will be paying the consequences of the bots and the bad way that jagex is dealing with them.
What about the players who will play "pure" accounts wich wont be able to do or do not need to do quest for their acount or such quests will affect their "pure" status, it is just ridiculus to restric the traiding of resources as a solution.
Btw, english is not my primary language so I apologise for my grammar mistakes.
26-Jan-2015 18:12:13