So why would you continue to fight against bonds when at least with bonds thousands of others benefit with F2P and more players will be able to save real life money without the risk of swap cc's. I'de rather see the money go to jagex to make our game better than go to gold farmers.
Yeah I got scammed in a swap cc for 55m Eoc which I got from selling 8 bonds that I paid with my Irl money
Exactly you wouldn't of had that problem if you could buy bonds on osrs. I personally have never been scammed by swapping fcs however and I do it for bonds often
They can easily do something against it and start enforcing their rules more strictly.
If that is not going to work, then I would rather have the trade limit back, solves many problems and does not create buyable gold and devalue other people's game.
Enforcing their rules more strictly will change nothing
I loved the trade limite <3
No scam , no gold sellers , no bots that was for me the best thing after the g.e
But many players was against the trade limit , they could not understand the good benefits that the trade limit has bring
It's same for the bonds now... many can't understand the good benefits that the bonds can bring
The projections are also very misleading when no one knows what effect, positive or negative the Grand Exchange might have.
I do think that Jagex is using FTP as a way to manipulate the vote so they make money off bonds. They money grub CONSTANTLY in rs3, so I don't trust them not to *try* to pull the same stuff in osrs.
The avalanche of constant mtx promotions in rs3 instead of having real minigame rewards is proof of this.
I also do like the osrs team, they are doing a great job. Someone at IVP must have recently called.
26-Jan-2015 18:48:55
- Last edited on
26-Jan-2015 18:49:20
Alpha Trion
That isn't what you said in the original post it was indeed insulting another player that everyone could read it wasn't starred. I also hid someone else's post that manipulated your post and was trying to provoke a response out of you that would land you in even more trouble.
Trust me I'm not abusing my power at all. I'm attempting to keep the peace. If I was the power abusing sociopath you think I am. I would have muted you already for that comment and your complaining about it after the fact. Of which I've done neither. Now drop it as I can already quote at least 2 rules in the code of conduct your breaking.
When the day becomes the night and the sky becomes the sea, when the clock strikes heavy and there’s no time for tea; and in our darkest hour, before my final rhyme, she will come back home to Wonderland and turn back the hands of time.
You have to understand I had to ask because there are false moderators, glad you aren't like that. Altough im sure i stated exactly what i stated and that it was not breaking the rules. I explained my opinion and now im off this forum. Keep up holding the peace.
"Squeal of Fortune, Solomons Store, Treasure Hunter, Runecoins or any other sort of micro-transaction will not come to Old School unless you vote for it in a poll."
Bonds are a good money sink, I guess. And since you basically concluded that more players will come and stay for the long term, i'll vote yes. But if that predicament doesn't come true, the community will have to say "you were wrong."