Never saw so stupid decisions to get this OSRS more popular. (Oh sorry, I saw once, eoc, no wildy, bonds, trade limit and other BS. - It was your job, right?)
Looks like Runescape management staff had problems even with finishing high schools so I am not surprised of this BS suggestions coming more and more.
1. You increased membership price ? - Usually lower price is more attractive to people, especially to newbies. You do opposite, it will reduce of chance getting new players into the game and also has a chance of forcing old/veteran players to leave this game.
2. You want to grow this game, but don't want to open f2p? F2p is best way to attract new players into the game - more new players - more chance to get new members. So it means - thats you who need F2P, if you want to see this game growing.
3. Bonds? That means only one - 99 lvl will be worth nothing. Old players will start leaving this game sooner or later, because any rich kid will be able to get huge starting gp so easy.
So, by doing all this steps, in my opinion, you have only one main purpose: You are excpecting/forcing this project, by name "
OSRS - Runescape 2007
", will be end/closed soon (in like 1-2 years), or simply merged with rs3,
and thats why you are aiming to suck-out as much money as possible from current players
26-Jan-2015 20:03:15