
F2P Discussion

Quick find code: 380-381-144-65560976

Dec Member 2013


Posts: 353 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
rip oldschool rs integrity 2013-2015

voted no, if it fails ill gladly play oldschool again as soon as ge is introduced
cant believe how many ppl fall for jagex "statistics" tho XD
is if permanent f2p wthout bonds would lose them money lol

We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape.

28-Jan-2015 12:41:11 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2015 12:42:31 by EMPER0R95



Posts: 22 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wow. i for one will be quitting don't see a point in playing a game that prayers on the rich and takes a dump on the poor. and what this means is that players with no skill no clue on how to play this game can max there money stack by buying gold from runescape and start maxing there stats out. this isn't right. runescape talk's so much stuff about gold selling but then they go and do it them self's there's easy ways to fix problems this wasn't one of them. i see runescape making a lot of money off this game for the next 5 years. then this game becoming a game that people throw away because they already maxed everything so fast that they don't even want to play this game anymore. smart move on runescapes part it will make them millions a good way for a means of a end thank u all for making the game into what eoc is now.

28-Jan-2015 13:35:06

Jan Member 2024


Posts: 1,601 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have a question about old school bonds. Currently I am able to play old school with rs3 bonds. Will I be able to do it vice versa with old school bonds?

Or will old school bonds be only be able to be used for old school and rs3 bonds will only be used for rs3?

That is my question about the bond situation.

28-Jan-2015 17:03:55

Going Mental

Going Mental

Posts: 34 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There's already a lot of players that complain about how bonds will make RS be a game for the rich. I myself am afraid for this too; people that simply spend IRL money to buy RS cash via a legal method actually devalues the game. So the most important question is: will there be a limit to how many bonds a player can purchase over a certain period of time? Someone mentioned it will be limited to 2M a month. This seems a good amount. Just don't make it possible to buy infinite of RS money through bonds, that just renders the game useless. Voted yes but you have to set limits.

28-Jan-2015 18:34:30

Jul Member 2006


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dxthelb said :
My thoughts on what Mod Mat K had to say,

By announcing Membership Bonds and tying it in with Permanent F2P, you've essentially blackmailed the entire Old School RuneScape Community to support your idea.

If you want Permanent F2P, Your gonna have to support Membership Bonds.

28-Jan-2015 18:57:59

joe poop

joe poop

Posts: 2,366 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is one of the best updates in my opinion to come on OSRS ! :D I am so excited for this to come out since I want to play it whenever my membership runs out. Thank you Mat K for the livestream discussion, I enjoyed watching it. :)

I have a few things to say about the membership bonds :

They are great since you can use your ingame money to pay for membership instead of IRL cash. Also, a lot of people use it in RS3 and its effective.
I'm okay with it if it doesn't benefit RWT.
I heard a lot of people saying that the RWT and goldfarming issue will be brought up in OSRS just like it did to RS3.

But the thing is, there is no MTX (TH and SGS) currently in Oldschool so I don't see a problem with it.
Mat K already stated that "Bonds will only be used for memebership and MTX will not be implemented." One solution to prevent it to maybe just have bonds only payable with ingame GP ?
I think that could be a possible way to deal with it imo.

Also, the thought of members decreasing is another dilemma.
In reality, when people start to play F2P, they will realize that since its restricted (in content wise) that they will soon have to upgrade to P2P (with bonds) in order to get more content to play. That means the numbers of members increases (or stays the same rate instead of plummeting) along with F2P implemented, based on the graph.
Its basically a win win for us and Jagex.

Since the poll is so far winning, I am hyped to play F2P in OSRS soon !

28-Jan-2015 19:14:02 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2015 19:14:39 by joe poop

iTwisted Bow

iTwisted Bow

Posts: 1,824 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i like membership bonds if they're for MEMBERSHIP ONLY.


i agree to the membership bonds and f2p coming, if it will help strengthen the game and bring in more new players, making the game more successful, and making me look more badass as I'm about to get 126 cb c:

and yes, awaiting Raids this summer c:
Everybody 'round me saying I should relax 'cuz I've been going hard 'till my eyes roll back but,
all I wanna do is forget about my past and smoke a'lil ranarr, really nothing too drastic..

28-Jan-2015 20:02:26

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