
F2P Discussion

Quick find code: 380-381-144-65560976

Aug Member 2014


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Ashes630 said :
MrKalius said :
This is a GREAT idea. Means I'm able too play a new 07 account without using real life cash! :D
You can pay for them on your current account as well. :)

Ultimately, this is the life. I wouldn't think of cancelling my membership on my main just because f2p is here. I'm sure many people are likeminded

Expect a whole new army of f2p pures (I hope)

I know I will be making a few.

Range/2hers anyone? :D
Player since 04' :)

29-Jan-2015 19:08:55

Dec Member 2019


Posts: 1,452 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
OSRS Dan said :
Ashes630 said :
MrKalius said :
This is a GREAT idea. Means I'm able too play a new 07 account without using real life cash! :D
You can pay for them on your current account as well. :)

Ultimately, this is the life. I wouldn't think of cancelling my membership on my main just because f2p is here. I'm sure many people are likeminded

Expect a whole new army of f2p pures (I hope)

I know I will be making a few.

Range/2hers anyone? :D

I know right! I would cancel my membership but I can see myself coming back for some more P2p action when I get bored again of f2p pking and want to use vengeance with ags combination. f2p pking is brilliant and makes it more interesting with the variety of combinations and finding the right moment to pull out the old 2h or battle axe.

Personally ill be staying on my zerker which only has 75att but 99 str 45def. I might use battle axe with range, but 2h with scimitar combination. Looking forward to making my own strength pots, fishing my tuna and swordie's and cooking them all in preparation! I actually already have many stacks of monk robes and rune sets are covered too with kite shield. Just need to make some stacks of strength ammys now lol..

Also teleblock out the back of wildy with big clan wars! so keen to find a f2p clan soon :D
Clan Defy -
Rank [Smiter]

I make Combat Achievement Guides over on Youtube

Also update over on Twitter

30-Jan-2015 05:39:21 - Last edited on 30-Jan-2015 05:45:03 by Plonster



Posts: 152 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Permanent F2P will be great, Both for the new players and for the economy of the game itself..

But the poll is so wrong, Bonds and F2P should not be in the same vote, People want F2P not bonds, And you're forcing them to vote for bonds.

30-Jan-2015 13:58:11 - Last edited on 30-Jan-2015 13:58:41 by Aphexis

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 23,593 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think this is a very fair compromise, and Jagex's promise of not introducing other microtransactions without a poll from the community should seal the deal at the moment.

Although I was skeptical initially, the introduction of a full f2p may attract more players long term. Additionally, allowing players to finance membership via bonds will also allow players to effectively self sustain their membership. Players looking to buy some get some quick GP from Jagex through purchasing a bond for real life currency help keep the system sustainable. Jagex gets the money from the bond purchase, a player gets the GP, a player gets the membership, and we finally have a full f2p version of the game available. Honestly, this seems like a win-win for everyone.

I'm curious to see how this will affect OSRS activity long term, and I'm hoping the oldschool game will continue to be successful. Despite having a fairly s mall team, the OSRS team has accomplished so many great updates since the introduction of the game.
Forum Moderator

30-Jan-2015 19:29:32

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 23,593 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aphexis said :
Permanent F2P will be great, Both for the new players and for the economy of the game itself..

But the poll is so wrong, Bonds and F2P should not be in the same vote, People want F2P not bonds, And you're forcing them to vote for bonds.

As stated in the video, it would not be financially feasible for Jagex to introduce full f2p without bonds. That's the point of polling F2p with bonds, conditionally. It is quite simple, really. If they introduce membership bonds then they can still sustain OSRS and justify it's existence financially. If they were to outright introduce F2p without membership bonds, the membership base would start to drop which would harm the game long term and pose other negative implications (such as a reduction of the team size or worse).
Forum Moderator

30-Jan-2015 19:32:50

Jul Member 2006


Posts: 1,207 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They've already stated that the game isn't going anywhere so I'm not sure what you're talking about Theos

Furthermore, that's just projections, speculations if you will, nothing more as nobody knows the future

31-Jan-2015 00:18:13 - Last edited on 31-Jan-2015 00:25:03 by Feldip



Posts: 188 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Poison Ivy said :
Fix 6 hour Guthan's training methods.

I agree.
I have never tried the guthan's + Nightmare Zone training, so I don't know exactly how it works. But I have heard people in my clan say things like, "I just let my guy train while i sleep or go to school." If you can truly afk for 6 hours soaking up tons of combat experience, I have no idea why you didn't remove it already!

How is that any different than botting?
How is it fair to restrict "splashing" to (if i remember correctly) 30 minutes, but let 6 HOURS of fighting slip by?!

31-Jan-2015 06:18:18



Posts: 188 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I would like to point out something I saw in the poll description in game.
The description states that F2P and Bonds will expand the dev crew and allow for big updates in the future.

Isn't that what was said when RS2 was dying? Didn't they say SoF, Solomon's Store, and Royalty program would all help "expand" and allow for better updates?

I really wonder if "expanding" would be "good" for the game. I don't want "Giant content" updates. I feel like they change the game too much.
(Obviously I am a OSRS conservatist)

31-Jan-2015 06:26:46

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