
F2P Discussion

Quick find code: 380-381-144-65560976



Posts: 2,095 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yes to bonds if it means permanent FTP. Sure, Runescape isn't the same as it use to be if bonds are introduced, but at the same time RS isn't the same as it use to be without a permanent FTP option. Besides, to the arguments of "we should have to work for our money - NO bonds!" - realistically, many players are already purchasing gold from gold farming websites. So that argument becomes invalid.
RS Justice
Hero PvM

26-Jan-2015 04:41:42 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2015 04:42:52 by Zeale

Rx ftw

Rx ftw

Posts: 142 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Partial support. I can't fully support cause of two reasons: 1. Is the profit from bonds going to actually go into OSRS? (Mostly servers and more F2P servers, not so much as dev team) and 2. The anti-bot method has to work but not be as strict as it currently is and that is planned. Examples:

1. Yew trees - Put them back but in different locations (more difficult to get to). Perhaps the wilderness, where cutting=treated as combat (can't instalog)?

2. Fishing spots - Same deal with trees.

3. 2nd Antibot method (combat level one) - That is the most god awful thing that can ever be put in the game. Like not even EoC went through with REDUCED xp that was in beta (that's just how bad it is). Idk what to do bout the problem of powerleveling bots but this one alone will gut F2P.

So ya, hopefully will see those being addressed before the poll.

Offtopic: After this poll, I think this would also be the time to poll the introduction of awful/unfused P2P items into F2P, such as: yew shortbows (maybe not longs due to alching), rune arrows (damage output may be to high) and splitbark (minus gloves and boots).

26-Jan-2015 04:42:34

Team Skull
Aug Member 2008

Team Skull

Posts: 24,511 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well, this earns my no vote. " like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor

26-Jan-2015 04:58:31

Kujas Fury
May Member 2022

Kujas Fury

Posts: 132 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I am both in favor of membership bonds and F2P for oldschool.

Will the bonds still offer similar membership deals as they do on rs3 though? I seem to remember a summer event where you could redeem 5 bonds for 3 months for example.

26-Jan-2015 05:56:15



Posts: 824 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gabe X said :
acceleratism said :
Cedric, you are quite obviously RS3 player. I doubt you even played Runescape back in 07. I don't pretend to know anything about your game, so please return the favor. No wonder the auction house passed, if you are the player base, fleeing from a dead game and trying to turn this one into it.

Hop on rs3 and I can do the rs classic emote for you ;) Ive been here for a long time, this is not even my oldest account, my first account was hacked (I was like 10 when I started lol)

You mean the Classic Cape everyone got when they logged into a RSC server after it reopened in 2010/11? Nice try man.

The only thing to show you are still a vet is logging onto the RSC vet world, or wearing scythe/bunny ears on either version. 10 year vet cape doesn't even make it into RSC era anymore.

As far as my whole opinion with the Bonds thing goes, I see it simply like this. People who are going to RWT will RWT anyway. Tons of people are already buying Bonds on RS3 and transferring also, so what difference does it make? Where is the harm in it?

Yes for Bonds!
We will get permanent F2p, it will grow the game, life will be good. :)

26-Jan-2015 05:58:14 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2015 06:06:13 by EllingerMain



Posts: 161 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is probably the most ive seen you guys interested in what the players have to say and i wanna say i'm glad that old school is in good hands and hopefully it grows.
I like the solution to the bots issue.

26-Jan-2015 06:38:31

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