
F2P Discussion

Quick find code: 380-381-144-65560976

Aug Member 2008


Posts: 191 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I will be voting yes for this. People who are against bond have to think this through.

The economys are linked due to trading clans. Sure they are not fully combined however people are still buying and using bonds anyways. For this reason its no different than someone from rs3 buying a whole bunch of bonds and trading them for oldschool wealth.

As far as buying your way into the game. Lets be honest.. If someone wanted to buy cash and not go through rs3/clan. We all know how to use google.. It would take them minutes to do and honestly they are probably more trustworthy than the clans.

Edit: Basically the whole thing behind bonds is that the money people were spending on gold from other sites is now going to jagex and benifiting the company we rely on. You can't deny people don't RWT. This is simply transfering the cash from botters to jagex and allowing our game to grow more.

26-Jan-2015 02:59:01 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2015 03:06:50 by 77tontos

Dec Member 2019


Posts: 1,452 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Exactly 77tontos. I really don't understand the big issues with bonds. It dosen't mean the downfall will be upon us with dung updates and summoning and eoc. This idea is their business choice and a smart one to bring f2p in but on one condition of bringing bonds in at the same time. They may be keeping the 100% facts with how much the game will die if they just brought f2p in or left members how it is. But no one really knows and that graph as the chap pointed out previously is no great indication. Its more of a sales pitch to make us think OH NO! look what happens, its sinking down as the years go by!

But the majority thinks bonds beats rwt. It really does, and it may cause players to buy gold to pay for herblore or crafting. But that's their choice just as much as your choice to vote no to this.

Edit: Also 77tontos it negates bots from selling their gold in the near future. It will take a while but then finally everyone will just opt for jagex to sell bonds instead of using gold farm sites. Then bots will only remain to serve a purpose to a main account and won't be selling to rwt sites. And they certainly won't be selling to the main competition they use and abuse a.k.a JAGEX.
Clan Defy -
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26-Jan-2015 03:11:06 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2015 03:13:26 by Plonster



Posts: 78 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In response to the dev. blog f2p

I understand you guys are a company and companies are ran to make money, but the fact that you will say that oldschool runescape is "for the players" and later on talk about introducing microtransactions (bonds excluded) is very insulting. Probably 90%+ of the OSRS community is against microtransactions, and you know that!

For the bots section "On F2P and after level 20 combat you do not receive combat XP for damaging an NPC if your combat level is more than twice its combat level" by having this implemented chickens will be obsolete for everyone the second they start playing f2p. Cows will become obsolete in two levels. This is a horrible anti-bot defense to implement. You are taking away the enjoyment of a non-botter which will one day become a member but implementing this, that person may not become a member and may move onto another game, a game that your competition runs and may spend money on that game because they don't implement ridiculous anti-bot defenses.

Please, think of something else to stop the bots. This defense has many flaws to it and will only cause anger through out the community.


26-Jan-2015 03:21:27

Alpha Trion

Alpha Trion

Posts: 2,483 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm going to have to vote NO
. I think osrs is great precisely because you have to
EARN your own wealth

I know there are people who transfer gold via rs3 to osrs, but that's risky and is trust trading/under the table. There are also obviously people who buy gold from black market sites. But this is obvious cheating.

This is my own personal opinion, no one has to agree with me. Bonds are bad for osrs. Your real life monetary status should not impact your character's progress (besides of course the membership fee).

I do think permanent f2p is good for osrs, but not like this :(

Please keep osrs having a least a semblance of legitimacy.


26-Jan-2015 03:24:29 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2015 03:30:07 by Alpha Trion



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Would it be smart for Jagex to consider including bonds into the game where Jagex take in game gold out of the game at I higher price then normal player bonds ( for example 25m for 1 month bond compared to 14m for 2 player bonds but give boosts to (exp earnt maybe over a period of a month perhaps) as this would do nothing but good to the economy in both eoc and ocrs. There for the better the economy there for the higher happier player base. The reason I say this is that I know there are many players that wont join the game just as its a full time job to try and level accounts to desired stats and it. There argument is they have done it already and don't want to go threw the throws of levelling again. I think that it would be in Jagex's best interests to out a drain on the ingame gold for the health of the economy. Keep nuking bots.

26-Jan-2015 03:48:30



Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have a bit of a concern with:
"• On F2P restrict trading of resources off an account until a certain amount of quest points have been reached "

1.What if we do f2p strictly for pking purposes (A Pure for Say) , I myself would love to make an acc just for that. That means I wouldn't necessary have the need to do any quest. Having that said, how would that impact my character when it comes down to obtaining supplies for pking. what would the "restriction" be?

2. Another concern would be the topic of limiting what resources one can obtain on f2p bases. as mentioned in the live stream, it was said that things such as "Lobster and Yews" would not be obtainable. Having that said, how would a f2p account have a better chance of making money if a resource such as Yews or Lobsters are not in reach of the player. I know there is many ways to produce cash in game but those are highly demanded resources that a player can use to make money.

26-Jan-2015 04:00:02



Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hmg Hawj Str said :
These idiot children think they can just get F2P without a cost, like they're deserving of a free service. At the end of the day, this is a business and it's about the survival of the game and funding the team to manage this game.

If bonds is the only way we can implement F2P then I'll be voting YES all the way.
and this is how jagex passes there new updates by lieing and telling them that only one option will work, when in fact all other work work just the same, on a guess. when in fact they have no idea. i think its cheating

26-Jan-2015 04:17:30



Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
S0 RA said :
In response to the dev. blog f2p

I understand you guys are a company and companies are ran to make money, but the fact that you will say that oldschool runescape is "for the players" and later on talk about introducing microtransactions (bonds excluded) is very insulting. Probably 90%+ of the OSRS community is against microtransactions, and you know that!

For the bots section "On F2P and after level 20 combat you do not receive combat XP for damaging an NPC if your combat level is more than twice its combat level" by having this implemented chickens will be obsolete for everyone the second they start playing f2p. Cows will become obsolete in two levels. This is a horrible anti-bot defense to implement. You are taking away the enjoyment of a non-botter which will one day become a member but implementing this, that person may not become a member and may move onto another game, a game that your competition runs and may spend money on that game because they don't implement ridiculous anti-bot defenses.

Please, think of something else to stop the bots. This defense has many flaws to it and will only cause anger through out the community.

this is gold right here, jagex you have thoroughly ****** off all your veteran osrs players great job hope you get lots of new costomer :)

26-Jan-2015 04:19:02

Gurp Gork
Oct Member 2021

Gurp Gork

Posts: 672 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So long as this game remains committed to voting to implement changes, this will never lead to other micro-transactions. I am 100% for bonds being introduced to Old School simply because it will take the risk away from swapping. 8% or more players pay by bonds currently, so we cannot get rid of that. Bonds are an introduction to pay-to-win, but that currently exists unofficially through RuneScape 3 gold swapping.

I have faith that the community wouldn't let other micro-transactions into the game, as they have no place in Old School.


26-Jan-2015 04:33:08

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