In response to the dev. blog f2p
I understand you guys are a company and companies are ran to make money, but the fact that you will say that oldschool runescape is "for the players" and later on talk about introducing microtransactions (bonds excluded) is very insulting. Probably 90%+ of the OSRS community is against microtransactions, and you know that!
For the bots section "On F2P and after level 20 combat you do not receive combat XP for damaging an NPC if your combat level is more than twice its combat level" by having this implemented chickens will be obsolete for everyone the second they start playing f2p. Cows will become obsolete in two levels. This is a horrible anti-bot defense to implement. You are taking away the enjoyment of a non-botter which will one day become a member but implementing this, that person may not become a member and may move onto another game, a game that your competition runs and may spend money on that game because they don't implement ridiculous anti-bot defenses.
Please, think of something else to stop the bots. This defense has many flaws to it and will only cause anger through out the community.
26-Jan-2015 03:21:27