
F2P Discussion

Quick find code: 380-381-144-65560976



Posts: 1,218 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Here's a comment that I just left on a video about the topic:

Their reasoning and "proof" is laughable. Some random made-up graph based on data that they won't even share with us is meant to be convincing? Anyone who's taken an intro statistics class knows that a graph without any numerically labeled margins is useless and doesn't tell anything. Their margin there could be from 50,010 players to 50,020 players or it could be from 0 players to 100 million players. We don't know the volume of the decline that they're predicting. Oh, and what happened to "Oldschool is growing. We have more players than we did a year ago."? Furthermore, none of their reasoning for any of the effects that they propose will happen are backed up by and sort of concrete evidence. IVP is finally digging their claws into oldschool.

**** microtransactions, plain and simple. There's nothing wrong with paying a few bucks a month for membership, and the game has been perfectly healthy and, according to what the team continues to tell us, growing, in the past two years without any stable F2P. F2P would be nice, but I would MUCH rather not have it and not have bonds. Yes people transfer money between games and that brings elements of microtansactions into oldschool, but adding these bonds would increase the volume of that happening by tenfold. I really don't think that bonds are "healthy" for the game, and Weath does a great job of removing bots and RWTers, so I think we're doing just fine.

Unfortunately, this is going to pass. IVP was a bit clever this time.

26-Jan-2015 06:47:05



Posts: 1,218 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Taank said :
Hmg Hawj Str said :
These idiot children think they can just get F2P without a cost, like they're deserving of a free service. At the end of the day, this is a business and it's about the survival of the game and funding the team to manage this game.

If bonds is the only way we can implement F2P then I'll be voting YES all the way.
and this is how jagex passes there new updates by lieing and telling them that only one option will work, when in fact all other work work just the same, on a guess. when in fact they have no idea. i think its cheating

26-Jan-2015 06:49:26

Aug Member 2013


Posts: 14,598 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jared said :
I haven't seen one convincing reason why this shouldn't pass. I hope everyone votes yes!

Legal buyable gold perhaps?

Don't give me that ''people can already transfer'' excuse, because a lot of people are not willing to do that because of the risks.

The amount of people supporting this completely ridiculous idea disgusts me.

26-Jan-2015 06:53:00

Aug Member 2013


Posts: 14,598 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh and Jagex, that graph shows a decline in players, but what have you been telling us for the last months? That the game was growing and not declining.

You are really bad at lying and your statistics are completely off. You never learn from your mistake on RS3, do you? I find it even more funny how you're ignoring that problem there, many players quit when bonds were released.

Oh and I don't care about F2P in this matter, I would rather have a P2P only game that doesn't have legal gold selling instead of a game with both P2P and F2P with legal buyable gold.

Remember this, Jamflex?

‘’We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape.’’

26-Jan-2015 06:56:42 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2015 07:00:59 by Heritage

Alpha Trion

Alpha Trion

Posts: 2,483 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Heritage said :
Jared said :
I haven't seen one convincing reason why this shouldn't pass. I hope everyone votes yes!

Legal buyable gold perhaps?

Don't give me that ''people can already transfer'' excuse, because a lot of people are not willing to do that because of the risks.

The amount of people supporting this completely ridiculous idea disgusts me.

I feel the same as you Heritage. Trust trading for rs3 to osrs is VERY risky. This bond method now would introduce OFFICIAL non-risky 'non-cheating' methods for getting as much gold as you like-if you have enough real life money.

So there is your good reason that bonds are bad for osrs. It is nice when people still have to make their own wealth in a legit way. They CAN try the clan chat rs3 to osrs transfer methods, but they still risk getting burned!!

I'll still vote NO. And I think I have justifiable reasons.

26-Jan-2015 07:33:56

Mr Flibber

Mr Flibber

Posts: 974 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Im all for bonds, I have enough money in my RS3 account to cover 2 accounts atm for a little while, but what happens when that runs out? Im not good with ge merching so it will event*y run out.

OSRS Membership bonds will be good. It basically makes being a member free if you play a lot. And it allows people who are tight on cash to get some extra food that month or something.

Only downside to bonds I see is people being able to buy gold... but its not like that already happens. Also its not like gold is being put into the game, its actually being taken out when they are converted to tradable.

26-Jan-2015 07:34:44

Aug Member 2022


Posts: 42 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I still didn't see any reason to not just add f2p without bonds? I can pull a graph out of my ass (that doesn't even prove anything) too to trick all these simple minded people into turning this game into pay2win. So many people fall for this. Never seen so much bs in 1 thread. Also it's ******* great to add more players and I guess it's needed but by getting more of the rs3 community the veteran playerbase will shrink(compared to entire playerbase) and thus turning this "osrs" away from what it was initially intended to be ( for the people that wanted to play the game before GE was released). These polls are useless too since it's manipulated by all these rs3 players (veterans are minority). Many people just want to turn this into pre-eoc and were still in kindergarten or didn't even play RS in 2007. Also the bot problem is entirely your fault. If I see one I can't even report one properly and if I do it will continue to do so for hours so fix that sht instead of giving us this crap. I'm for f2p but not in this way. Definitely a no for me.

26-Jan-2015 07:37:45 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2015 07:38:48 by St8hunter

eko smeko

eko smeko

Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
f2p for free it's ok, but after bonds and other stuff oldschool won't be oldschool. That will be somthing new runescape like oldschool with bonds.

Im playing runescape since 2003/2004 year. quited about 2010 becose that didn't was runescape. Started agen when oldschool starts. And now if will be bonds and other stuffs i think i will quit agen.

It's nice if moderators are trying make runescape beter, but please don't damage it!
Player from Latvia!

26-Jan-2015 08:03:21

RBL Linknavi

RBL Linknavi

Posts: 49 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So let me get this straight from 25:58 - 26:50 you explained how bonds will work. You said people can merely use real life cash buy the bond for what 3 pounds then in game can make the bond tradeable then all they have to do is use the grand exchange and sell the bond for what 1 or 3 million gp. I see in the future people buying bonds for what 7 us dollars and making major in game cash off these bonds. Isnt that the same concept as rs3 using real cash to buy keys treasure hunter and getting free loot and xp amulets. If this works many people will quit because nobody likes treasure hunter in rs3 or squeel of fortune thats one of the reasons why they came to oldschool. The only way I see this polled in or working is if they make bonds not tradeable and you can only use bonds for membership not to use in game. This is my argument and yes I am and oldschool player because I quit rs3 because of eoc and people playing rs3 using there real life money and buying keys and squeel of fortune all the time. Guy got 99 slayer from just buying slayer xp lamps off treasure hunter and squeel of fortune...yea i vote no for this unless they make these bonds untradeable...that is all

26-Jan-2015 08:03:36

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26-Jan-2015 08:04:58

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