Okay so I don't really see how bonds are going to be a problem, to see F2P back in the game will be absolutely awesome... Yes it gives the players a way to buy gold legally but they already are and there are a lot of players still doing it illegally, this will combat that. People who think coin swapping between games is risky are quite clearly ignorant to it because it is not risky I do it myself all the time to buy bonds on RS3, in bulk trades too. Another thing to think about is all the bonds will actually do is take gold out of the game which is pretty dam good in my opinion because that has positive effects on my game play. No 13 year old kid with his mum's credit card buying himself 5 cheeky bonds for a quick 5m will bother me in the slightest because at least that means he did not buy it off some RWT site which does not help the economy...
However what I don't like the idea of is the possible of Jagex trying to badger more microtransactions into the game, that said I'm confident the OSRS community will have big things to say about that. Another thing is the pathetic excuse of a graph that was... you probably would of been better off not showing any sort of graph if you was not going to reveal actual figures also telling us the game is growing when it just isn't... common Jagex.
I will be voting yes the benefits far outweigh and even counteract the negatives.
26-Jan-2015 10:58:30