
F2P Discussion

Quick find code: 380-381-144-65560976

Feb Member 2020


Posts: 1,362 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
On F2P and after level 20 combat you do not receive combat XP for damaging an NPC if your combat level is more than twice its combat level

Remove this restriction.
" It is nice finding that place where you can just go and relax. "

26-Jan-2015 08:17:17



Posts: 140 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i have been an all around runescape player from pking to bossing to skilling for around 11 years. to combat the bot problem in f2p restricting ores to coal logs to willow and fish to salmon or similar should suffice, i dont quite understand what you meant when you said long running members left because of the f2p that makes no sense, as a pker i was thrilled to see new people around, and as a boss/minigame/skiller i was also greatly pleased at what that means for the economy and resources. runescape was built with a game centred around f2p, surely you could make one centred around p2p, this being the norm for most partly free games anyway. if you get the word out to people and get them ingame once the battle is won, this game is addictive. just the fact that they have to pay to play will without a doubt lead to the total downfall without fail, right now were running on fumes of addicts years passed. just give oldschool the power rs2 used to have and the independance and us oldschool players will continue to log in even if only from time to time until were dead, but you need to give the game the respect and manpower it deserves, marketing and advertising wise aswell. we get we have to make sacrifices, but at the end of the day we want progress. off the top of my head :)

restricting combat level will do nothing to bots

26-Jan-2015 08:50:50 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2015 08:52:25 by Mitchell

Crimson Fear
Jul Member 2012

Crimson Fear

Posts: 265 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I want f2p to return because I think it is good for the economy and community since it gives many items a new value such as God rune armor sets and other f2p gear and resources. But bonds I can see those hurting the economy if they retain the 10percent fee as a money sink since bonds are bought in bulk and osrs has a very young fresh economy that's not nearly as overflowed with gp like rs3. I think the bonds would either need to be really cheap or have Set trade values cause I can see 3-5m bonds destroying some item values such as a fury or bcp. If the ge adds coin share/ lootshare I can see gp flowing in but I would still be concerned. People tend to worry more on money sinks then item sinks which none exist for valuables which I see as a problem. Bonds on the other hand destroy themselves with use and have value from demand which can be manipulated some. So bonds being used as moneysink I think isn't a good idea for now since a ton enter the game and are a consumable with high value acting as a money sink. im not saying not to add bonds but they should be adjusted for osrs community and economy, the rs3 bond type which I seen were bought in bulk are probably not the best way to implement them on this younger game.

26-Jan-2015 09:58:11

Jul Member 2014


Posts: 67 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Okay so I don't really see how bonds are going to be a problem, to see F2P back in the game will be absolutely awesome... Yes it gives the players a way to buy gold legally but they already are and there are a lot of players still doing it illegally, this will combat that. People who think coin swapping between games is risky are quite clearly ignorant to it because it is not risky I do it myself all the time to buy bonds on RS3, in bulk trades too. Another thing to think about is all the bonds will actually do is take gold out of the game which is pretty dam good in my opinion because that has positive effects on my game play. No 13 year old kid with his mum's credit card buying himself 5 cheeky bonds for a quick 5m will bother me in the slightest because at least that means he did not buy it off some RWT site which does not help the economy...

However what I don't like the idea of is the possible of Jagex trying to badger more microtransactions into the game, that said I'm confident the OSRS community will have big things to say about that. Another thing is the pathetic excuse of a graph that was... you probably would of been better off not showing any sort of graph if you was not going to reveal actual figures also telling us the game is growing when it just isn't... common Jagex.

I will be voting yes the benefits far outweigh and even counteract the negatives.

26-Jan-2015 10:58:30

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