
F2P Discussion

Quick find code: 380-381-144-65560976

Val Pkayz U

Val Pkayz U

Posts: 20 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ice Tea Plz said :
People already buy bonds in rs3 sell the bonds for gp then transfer the gp from rs3 to old school. all this does is eliminate one step I dont understand why some people get so huffy puffy about pay to win when you can already do it.

As long as this is the only type of micro-transaction that ever comes to this game im fine with it seeing as people already do it anyways.

exactly ^^^^^

The only thing bonds in osrs will do Is reduce the swap scamming clans

26-Jan-2015 22:47:25

Aug Member 2013


Posts: 14,598 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ice Tea Plz said :
People already buy bonds in rs3 sell the bonds for gp then transfer the gp from rs3 to old school. all this does is eliminate one step I dont understand why some people get so huffy puffy about pay to win when you can already do it.

As long as this is the only type of micro-transaction that ever comes to this game im fine with it seeing as people already do it anyways.

Swapping does not come without risks and your reason is NOT a good reason to add bonds.

We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape.

26-Jan-2015 22:54:35 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2015 22:54:56 by Heritage

Ry a n
Apr Member 2022

Ry a n

Posts: 705 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Would making bonds untradable and only being able to buy them from a NPC for a set amount not be a soluton? Allows people to use their ingame wealth to buy membership and prevents people to somewhat be able to use their real life wealth to buy gold(essentially what could happen if they stock up on bonds).

I'm all for bonds and f2p. Just wondering if that is anyway, shape or form a potential solution.

EDIT: Nevermind, realised why it won't work.

26-Jan-2015 23:34:31 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2015 23:38:20 by Ry a n



Posts: 1,320 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm not a 07 player but here's my opinion.

Gaining gold with money already exist in 07 by buying bonds on RS3 and transfering it to 07, this will never go away. The problem with this is that there is always risk involved by having to go through gold swapping FC's.

Now you could have the exact same thing as described here above but without any risk. And you'll even get f2p out of it, which can only be good for the game.

26-Jan-2015 23:58:40

Apr Member 2023


Posts: 232 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yes there should be a free to play available for OSRS but bonds will KILL the game...
Bonds are part of the reason I quit RS3 4 years ago along with EOC. Its not going to help the game at all. Jagex says it will help people get membership for "GP" and help members stay in the game but actually the only players who will actually benefit from this are rich people who don't even need bonds to be able to pay for RS. Theres no way a non member will make 6m and spend it on bonds for 14 days of membership...thats nothing and he can't consecutively make 6m in 14 days. Its actually ridiculous that bonds are even being considered being brought into OSRS.
PLEASE dont ruin OSRS with bonds if they want membership let them make the gold on RS3, you've made everything easy on rs3 anyways so they should have no problem making it.
But yeah if you do add bonds to OSRS which is making the same mistake as EOC and everything on RS3, then you will find ALOT more people, including me, will quit. Far more then the number of people the bonds will "help keep membership".
Bonds in my opinion is RWT and all it leads to is people paying money for tons of GP and other having to grind for it. Ruins the WHOLE point of playing the game.
Please think about veteran players for once, we're the ones who were with you first and helped bring RS to where it is now, and ill be damned if some rich little 13 year old can buy months worth of hard work of gp on his moms credit card, while all the other players who aren't as financially wealthy have to grind for it...

27-Jan-2015 00:05:47



Posts: 205 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If this passes I willl hold a 10b drop party on rs3 then part my self from it for good. Only reason I don't play osrs is because the knowing it's fate without something like this. But with this it will be a legendary release and osrs may become bigger then rs3 Mod Luna for Wife.

27-Jan-2015 00:17:06



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I played my original account from 2007 - the introduction of EOC.
I didnt like many of the changes in the build up to EOC and EOC was the final straw so I quit...

Back when the game was at its best RS had an insane amount of players, most worlds had 1k+ players and there were always several full worlds. Its sad to see how much runescape has fallen.

The reason I returned and started playing OSRS is because it is similar to the game I liked. If it becomes like RS3, me and many others will leave, its that simple...

OSRS F2p is Jagex's only chance to redeem its self and increase the amount of players. However, Introducing Bonds is not the answer. All it will do is force more people to quit OSRS and thus quit RS3.

F2P coupled with the correct marketing strategy is the only way to bring people back to runescape. I really doubt that f2p witbout bonds would cause the amount of players to fall. The amount of members prior to the existence of Bonds when I was playing is much higher than it is now.

In fact: What I would suggest is that OSRS and Rs3 memberships are seperate. That way MTX wouldnt have as much of a direct influence on OSRS. Also if the costs of complete membership to both Osrs and Rs3 were seperated, both would cost less. Perhaps more people would buy memberships specifically for the game they wanted if the prices were seperate and thus lowered?

27-Jan-2015 00:40:38 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2015 00:50:55 by Golovkin

Aug Member 2022


Posts: 42 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lol.... ridiculous..... Bribing players to add microtransactions with f2p.... GG. Can we add solomons store, fortune sht and treasure hunter too since it will be pay2win anyway?

We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape.

27-Jan-2015 01:13:12 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2015 01:19:31 by St8hunter

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