I played my original account from 2007 - the introduction of EOC.
I didnt like many of the changes in the build up to EOC and EOC was the final straw so I quit...
Back when the game was at its best RS had an insane amount of players, most worlds had 1k+ players and there were always several full worlds. Its sad to see how much runescape has fallen.
The reason I returned and started playing OSRS is because it is similar to the game I liked. If it becomes like RS3, me and many others will leave, its that simple...
OSRS F2p is Jagex's only chance to redeem its self and increase the amount of players. However, Introducing Bonds is not the answer. All it will do is force more people to quit OSRS and thus quit RS3.
F2P coupled with the correct marketing strategy is the only way to bring people back to runescape. I really doubt that f2p witbout bonds would cause the amount of players to fall. The amount of members prior to the existence of Bonds when I was playing is much higher than it is now.
In fact: What I would suggest is that OSRS and Rs3 memberships are seperate. That way MTX wouldnt have as much of a direct influence on OSRS. Also if the costs of complete membership to both Osrs and Rs3 were seperated, both would cost less. Perhaps more people would buy memberships specifically for the game they wanted if the prices were seperate and thus lowered?
27-Jan-2015 00:40:38
- Last edited on
27-Jan-2015 00:50:55