
F2P Discussion

Quick find code: 380-381-144-65560976

Dec Member 2019


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How is Jagex bribing players? have you got evidence of a cheque in the mail or something?

They know the majority of people want f2p and people who don't play anymore but would play f2p. They know if the put their bonds idea in with f2p, they will surely got both things. There is no real risk in rwt, its just wasted cash that dosen't got to jagex atm. Why do you think rwt has always existed? people wouldn't pay their cash and keep the gold farm sites up and running if they didn't get their service they payed for. It takes common sense to realise if rwt ripped players off then noone would come back and be dumb enough.
Clan Defy -
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27-Jan-2015 02:01:05

Dec Member 2019


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People have been "buying their success" and their "real life" status has almost always effected the economy. Its more or less back in the days of playing with dial up and crappy websites, it was more dodgy. Now its a full fledged proper service. You guys are blind if you think rwt is risky now a days lol.. Clan Defy -
Rank [Smiter]

I make Combat Achievement Guides over on Youtube

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27-Jan-2015 02:03:13

Jun Member 2017


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Plonster said :
I agree with you in saying that we don't want this game to have the same changes as Rs3 had made. But think of this change as a necessary one. The team would of sat down at a board room meeting and discussed what's the best idea to keep longevity in osrs. Yes it may cause some players to leave, but they don't care about minimal loss. They care about OSRS team creating more OSRS exclusive updates for us and keeping the majority player base that don't want the same updated content rs3 has.

Finally I think I'll be voting yes. your arguments were pretty right there's rwt anyways and at least the money would go to jagex. I'm still not a fan of bonds but osrs needs f2p and it's the only way to have it.

27-Jan-2015 02:56:24 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2015 02:57:24 by Falaax



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Plonster said :
People have been "buying their success" and their "real life" status has almost always effected the economy. Its more or less back in the days of playing with dial up and crappy websites, it was more dodgy. Now its a full fledged proper service. You guys are blind if you think rwt is risky now a days lol..

Just because some people buy success doesn't mean we should let everyone buy success. It should still be discouraged as it ruins the game.

The problem with Osrs and Rs in general is the lack of players. Doing something as unpopular as introducing bonds to Osrs will reduce the numbers further. Many of the people Ive talked to are against it, if some quit, that will be a real shame; because this should be avoided.

F2p without Bonds would atract much more players than f2p with bonds...

27-Jan-2015 05:09:43

Apr Member 2006


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That's funny; I remember when RS2 was launched, there were no such things as bonds. Players would start on f2p, compete for others with resources, and ultimately decide that if they wanted access to more content and resources, they would have to purchase a members subscription, you know, using real money.

If the game is as you say, truly run by the players, then why not at least give us the option as to whether or not we want F2P to be released without bonds? Sure your graph looks compelling, but "Members" as a y-axis label without any numerical data is quite silly. Is it in the tens of players we will lose? hundreds? thousands?

What I initially enjoyed about runescape was that everybody, no matter what demographics they fell into, could compete in a game that is focused around leveling skills to become a better player. Unfortunately it appears that even OSRS isn't immune to the mistakes you've made trying to maximize your own profit in RS3. If you really want to hear my suggestion, it would be to remove bonds from both games. One could argue that you have to spend more time on RS to "afford" the bonds than you would working an actual job to afford membership in the first place. IE-they give an unnecessary advantage to those who have more money irl.

If you're truly concerned about the longevity of OSRS, you'll see that allowing players to basically buy rsgp will, in and of itself, deter many of the veterans as it did in RS3. Upon the introduction, I wouldn't be surprised if those who continue to play OSRS would be those who also actively play RS3.

PS- Did you ever think that poor f2p retention was caused by the short f2p trials you offered? Honestly, what player would want to train their account for two weeks only to be locked out of it after the f2p trial ended? It took me over a year of f2p to decide to buy members, which I've since had since April of 2006. I truly believe your data is flawed, as it only uses data obtained from short, two week f2p launches.

27-Jan-2015 05:14:51

Apr Member 2006


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There is indeed a solution that can keep bonds available for players, without creating a rift between those who worry about the integrity of the game (those who do not want other players to be able to purchase RSGP).

OSRS and RS3 are two completely different games, and it's about time that we separate them from a membership perspective. Thus, purchasing bonds on RS3 and using them for membership would NOT count towards membership on OSRS. This would effectively shut down gold swapping clans whose sole intention is to provide players with membership. As an alternative, you could station an NPC who accepts RSGP for membership, that cannot be transferred to another player.

So the question is, how can this be implemented? My idea would be to sell RS3 and OSRS membership as a package; for example, paying 10$ a month will allow you to access both oldschool runescape and RS3. If somebody wants to purchase just RS3 or OSRS membership, have them pay 8$ per month. Bonds = only RS3 membership.

In OSRS, the NPC would accept payments of RSGP for membership. The question you're probably asking yourself is "How can this be profitable, for Jagex?". Firstly, giving players the option to buy membership for each game separately will bring in players who do not want to shell out a higher fee if they only play RS3, or OSRS. In other words, 10$ a month may be too much for some who just want to play OSRS, but 8$ for just OSRS may be enough of a difference to change their mind. Also, make it more lucrative for players to purchase the membership with money instead of RSGP to begin with; have it be 7 days for 10m gp, etc. If players bot for the GP for membership, the players can be caught, and they won't actually effect the market because the money will be taken out of the game anyway . Lastly, they could make holiday events only available to those who have actual paid membership, where those with bonds wouldn't be able to do the event and thus not be able to get the holiday items.

27-Jan-2015 05:40:45 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2015 06:19:02 by Sk8erpunk193

Hello There
Mar Member 2024

Hello There

Posts: 530 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Here's a novel idea. Limit the number of bonds you can buy every month to 10. While this doesn't change the fact that it's RWT, you would only be able to acquire a finite amount of gold. This ensures that no one person gets an unfair super-advantage by buying a thousand bonds at once.

It doesn't stop the fact that people are buying bonds, but it does add stricter limitations to people trying to buy billions of gold. This also acts to entice other people to buy 1 or 2 bonds a month, as it caps off the supply compared to the (probably) high demand from the new F2pers.

27-Jan-2015 07:29:38

Aug Member 2013


Posts: 14,598 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Plonster said :
People have been "buying their success" and their "real life" status has almost always effected the economy. Its more or less back in the days of playing with dial up and crappy websites, it was more dodgy. Now its a full fledged proper service. You guys are blind if you think rwt is risky now a days lol..

Yeah and players have also ''always been botting'', by the same logic, we should introduce JBots.

Even if it happens now, we should not encourage gold buying and even make it legal to do.

We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape.

27-Jan-2015 07:54:00 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2015 07:55:21 by Heritage

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