There is indeed a solution that can keep bonds available for players, without creating a rift between those who worry about the integrity of the game (those who do not want other players to be able to purchase RSGP).
OSRS and RS3 are two completely different games, and it's about time that we separate them from a membership perspective. Thus, purchasing bonds on RS3 and using them for membership would NOT count towards membership on OSRS. This would effectively shut down gold swapping clans whose sole intention is to provide players with membership. As an alternative, you could station an NPC who accepts RSGP for membership, that cannot be transferred to another player.
So the question is, how can this be implemented? My idea would be to sell RS3 and OSRS membership as a package; for example, paying 10$ a month will allow you to access both oldschool runescape and RS3. If somebody wants to purchase just RS3 or OSRS membership, have them pay 8$ per month. Bonds = only RS3 membership.
In OSRS, the NPC would accept payments of RSGP for membership. The question you're probably asking yourself is "How can this be profitable, for Jagex?". Firstly, giving players the option to buy membership for each game separately will bring in players who do not want to shell out a higher fee if they only play RS3, or OSRS. In other words, 10$ a month may be too much for some who just want to play OSRS, but 8$ for just OSRS may be enough of a difference to change their mind. Also, make it more lucrative for players to purchase the membership with money instead of RSGP to begin with; have it be 7 days for 10m gp, etc. If players bot for the GP for membership, the players can be caught, and they won't actually effect the market because the money will be
taken out of the game anyway
. Lastly, they could make holiday events only available to those who have actual paid membership, where those with bonds wouldn't be able to do the event and thus not be able to get the holiday items.
27-Jan-2015 05:40:45
- Last edited on
27-Jan-2015 06:19:02