Angels Truth
It seems like you're trying to turn Oldschool into a pay 2 win game like RS3 has become with the introduction of bonds. Why not just release free to play and stop moaning about profit loss? You're already making a ridiculous amount of money from RS3, why do you even need to profit from Oldschool? Just have a heart and give back to the community for once in your money grabbing lives.
I hope at least 26% of people are smart enough to see what they're trying to do here and vote no.
Just be patient and wait until they release F2P without the need to make the game Pay2Win.
Couple arguments with this here, feel free to call me mean names in response
As for it being a pay for win game, its an MMO with freetrade, those who do not purchase in game items / Gold with bonds will most certainly do it with other RWT methods. Where they can "pay to win" anyway as they did in rs3 hell I just got cannon crashed @ rockcrabs by a level 3 with a furry and robin hat, said he was starting his ranger account now after buying 50m in game from a website, hell if jagex received that amount of money from a bond than they could have made like a fourth of a quest out of it XD
As for the profit loss, the games health and income are directly related to your enjoyment of the game, the game could not run if there was profit loss. You need to understand this from their point. Nothing gets done with out money, RS2007 coming out at all was their gift to the community!
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On F2P and after level 20 combat you do not receive combat XP for damaging an NPC if your combat level is more than twice its combat level
Rest in peace to the main F2P training grounds (hill giants).
Cedric, you are quite obviously RS3 player. I doubt you even played Runescape back in 07. I don't pretend to know anything about your game, so please return the favor. No wonder the auction house passed, if you are the player base, fleeing from a dead game and trying to turn this one into it.
Hop on rs3 and I can do the rs classic emote for you
Ive been here for a long time, this is not even my oldest account, my first account was hacked (I was like 10 when I started lol)
I never really knew about bonds myself (already had quit around that time when it came out) but since reading it up I understand it a bit better. How are they a bad thing? people who like to buy there rs gold have always been doing it since the ages of gold websites. Like Cedric Isold pointed out, sometimes you get the in game cash or items and sometimes you don't. But with Jagex service even if the prices aren't up to scratch with gold sites, at least you are supporting Jagex. And idk about Jagex being in with the sites. That conspiracy theory seems far fetched but then again I could believe it. But Jagex gets all the profit which is what counts with this membership bond idea. People don't understand that the botting sites almost work like a call centre and it provides an outlet for a money service for many mmo's, not just runescape. So tell me how that is good for Jagex?
Its not. I vote yes for the bonds too.
Inb4 ppl say I haven't played since the old days.. actually stuff this im going to put my reindeer hat profile pic up.
Clan Defy -
Rank [Smiter]
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26-Jan-2015 01:37:15
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26-Jan-2015 01:40:05
Swapping clans will cease to exist? Based on what exactly?
Like if people only use swapping clans for buying bonds >****;
I sincerely hope that swapping would still be an option in the game as it's a great service as long as you don't get scammed. But that's just proper picking a legit Fc and sticking to that one.
Also being able to buy bonds with 07 GP seems great but don't really understand how this will lower the amount of bots. I see how less bots will make sure there will be less RWT. But Rs07 bonds will only make it easier for botters to get membership? Or I am missing something/missread anything?
Gabe X
Angels Truth
It seems like you're trying to turn Oldschool into a pay 2 win game like RS3 has become with the introduction of bonds. Why not just release free to play and stop moaning about profit loss? You're already making a ridiculous amount of money from RS3, why do you even need to profit from Oldschool? Just have a heart and give back to the community for once in your money grabbing lives.
I hope at least 26% of people are smart enough to see what they're trying to do here and vote no.
Just be patient and wait until they release F2P without the need to make the game Pay2Win.
Couple arguments with this here, feel free to call me mean names in response
As for it being a pay for win game, its an MMO with freetrade, those who do not purchase in game items / Gold with bonds will most certainly do it with other RWT methods. Where they can "pay to win" anyway as they did in rs3 hell I just got cannon crashed @ rockcrabs by a level 3 with a furry and robin hat, said he was starting his ranger account now after buying 50m in game from a website, hell if jagex received that amount of money from a bond than they could have made like a fourth of a quest out of it XD
As for the profit loss, the games health and income are directly related to your enjoyment of the game, the game could not run if there was profit loss. You need to understand this from their point. Nothing gets done with out money, RS2007 coming out at all was their gift to the community!
At least with RWT they're taking a risk with a chance of being banned. With bonds it's just a clean cut way for players with more income than others to become rich in a matter of seconds. How do you think players who worked for months to get a 10m cash stack will feel when some level 3 buys 10 bonds and sells them for that same 10m cash stack? All of his hard work has just been made to seem meaningless.
I've reviewed the data and have concluded:
just do a 6-12month trial!
seems to fit in great with that little graph
bonds also introduce players who would not normally rwt into the rwt world.
After paying 50$ in bonds for 10m in game, they look at the current non-jagex prices. 50$ could get them 25m in game.
the player then says "**** bonds" and buys from the black market.
Bonds only work to stop/hurt rwt if bonds give you similar gold than the gold sellers. Of course in this current way, Jagex gets more slice of the pie, which gives them more budget money which is good.
If bonds really did hurt/stop rwt, then we would see the gold prices drop. But in fact, prices for rs3 gold have risen 50% since the introduction of bonds. Maybe due to more demand. If you would buy rs3 gp on the black market, it would cost about 4.2$ usd for 29 days of membership from the ge. that beats out the loyalty price of 4.99$ a month. Jeez!
And you're right! Gold farmers will change prices to allow more people to favor gold from websites, but what people have to remember is that from runescape is the only place that you are 100% sure that you will get what you paid for and also all the money you buy from runescape goes back into it self to create more content be that on 2007 or RS3
An Epic point you guys are missing is that 99% of those sites steal details/scam you. Even "legit" sites if you tempt them with enough $$ in a big order, won't think twice about ******** you over and leaving. There's a reason it's called the black market.
An Epic point you guys are missing is that 99% of those sites steal details/scam you. Even "legit" sites if you tempt them with enough $$ in a big order, won't think twice about ******** you over and leaving. There's a reason it's called the black market.
I agree, though 99% isn't exactly the right number XD