It is just so entirely irritating that you [Jagex] are manipulating and splitting the community for your own profits.
Back in the day, the idea of f2p was to hook players and convince them to purchase p2p for extra content and resources. It was never an immediate relationship however; it took me over a year of f2p to want to buy p2p. Giving two week trials and using that "data" to make future projections is almost embarrassing; maybe you should hire a few scientists whom actually know how to gather proper data. I'm sure they would tell you to increase the amount of time the f2p service was offered to see how that impacted retention.
And why all of the sudden do we have to introduce bonds? We know that you aren't ones to shy away from potential profits at the expense of the game. We know that you only want to introduce bonds to OSRS because they will become more widespread; you claim that 25% use bonds, but in the poll a month ago, you claimed it was 8%; stop altering your data to pass your not-so hidden agenda.
We know that the only way bonds would pass a poll is if it was linked to something the community really wants; in this case, f2p.
Stop using manipulation to profit, or at least make your data public, where it can be scrutinized by the community. If you keep manipulating how we want the game played, it's going to be a repeat of rs3. I just hope you have another copy of 2007 runescape saved, so when this game tanks, you can re-launch.
27-Jan-2015 18:34:22
- Last edited on
27-Jan-2015 19:57:53