
F2P Discussion

Quick find code: 380-381-144-65560976

John Rambo
Dec Member 2021

John Rambo

Posts: 4,899 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ashes630 said :
Ghosttalon said :
From what was said in the stream, I'm forced to vote no on something I would have liked to have seen happen.

I fully expect it will pass however. This will sort of be my last straw I guess, where my recent minimal OS playing will be pushed to zero if this happens. Once again condoning buying your way through the game with irl wealth will take away one of the few differences that OS still had going for it.

There is nothing necessary or otherwise about f2p that makes having this rwt happen to OSRS "worth it". It was nostalgia, plain and simple, and a naive hope that it might bring in a few more players. And what was driving it was more the nostalgia than the other (which is made clear by the graph, whether with or without bonds; although I question the projected difference).

You don't honestly think nobody buys gold from rsgold websites do you? With bonds this new "rwt" for old school is actually healthy for the game. Buying bonds removes gold from the game when used and it keeps players from supporting bots by buying gold on third party websites.


I would much rather see the money to go Jagex instead of some guy who makes a bunch of bots and makes prices go to crap.
I want, what they want, and every other guy who came over here and spilled his guts and gave everything he had, wants! For our country to love us as much as we love it! That's what I want!

26-Jan-2015 00:40:01

John Rambo
Dec Member 2021

John Rambo

Posts: 4,899 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Transcendent said :
I haven't read all the posts so sorry if this was already answered.

Paying for membership on RS3 with bonds also gives membership on OSRS.

Would paying for membership on OSRS with bonds also give membership on RS3?

I want, what they want, and every other guy who came over here and spilled his guts and gave everything he had, wants! For our country to love us as much as we love it! That's what I want!

26-Jan-2015 00:40:39



Posts: 108 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First off, I think its amazing that you are sharing this information with us. I personally don't have anything against bonds and especially not free to play, and I will probably vote for most of the things that you have mentioned in this post.

But I don't think that what you have prepared is a good way to combat against bots. I have seen many people who want to play only f2p for the simplicity and challenge through my runescape adventures and many of them are level 126. At the last few levels, they would have very hard time finding something to train on. Giant spiders in stronghold of security which I think are the best f2p training method are at the highest level only 50, so after level 100 combat they would be completely useless.

Since there is only 33 (or 32, can't remember) quest points in f2p, you would pretty much have players do all of them for this method to be at all effective. And that would completely ***** over 1 defence builds and skillers who have extremely limited access to quests. Especially skillers, who gain all of their bank from "trading resources".

Mutes for third party autotypers should IMO been a thing from start and I have nothing against that idea.

Sorry if my text is hard to read. English isn't my first language and not only that I just woke up.

26-Jan-2015 00:41:33

War Sloths

War Sloths

Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gabe X said :
Okay Jagex get this idea: Use money from RS3 to buy membership bonds for RS2007! Sinks money on both games! Its perfect really when you think about it!! Please consider and respond back with why it would/wouldn't work

Bingo, something like this has to happen or your bosses over at RS3 will be taking a massive hit to their bond sales from RS3. I have no issue buying bonds sometimes. However at 6 dollars a piece, I will NOT EVER buy a bond again for less than 8m-10m a piece. No matter if it's player dictated or you guys implement a controlled bond environment where it won't sink below that threshold. Trust me. Real life money will always hold more value than virtual currency you can't cash back in legally.

26-Jan-2015 00:43:09

Gabe X
Mar Member 2024

Gabe X

Posts: 130 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
acceleratism said :
And so Jagex kills another game. This is just disgusting. If I had a time machine, I'd make sure Andrew never sold this. I'm sure he regrets it as much as I do.

Not sure if its really worth responding to unconstructive flame like this BUT I will amuse you,

1. This is going to be polled so unless 75% of players want it it will not happen
and it likely will, as its a great idea!

2. RS2007 is as close to a time machine as there is, they went back to 2007 and are replaying the game as it was from that point making all material voted upon by players as to reconstruct the game in a new **** light

3. Andrew Gower's Net worth is about 1 million GBP£ so I really don't think he "regrets" a damn thing hahahaha

If you don't like something vote against it, if you really don't like it add facts so others can see your way, but as it is now a flame post will not assist the construction the wonderful game 2007 is becoming! So please chill, you make the rest of the community look bad when you say dumb **** like that ;)

26-Jan-2015 00:59:00

Godless Nerd
Apr Member 2020

Godless Nerd

Posts: 70 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Most of the news post makes sense, but I don't see how making a new way to pay for membership would have any affect on RWT or gold swapping clans.

Some people, like myself, plan to make money in old school and spend it in RS3 if that's still within Jagex's rules.

26-Jan-2015 01:01:07

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