First off, I think its amazing that you are sharing this information with us. I personally don't have anything against bonds and especially not free to play, and I will probably vote for most of the things that you have mentioned in this post.
But I don't think that what you have prepared is a good way to combat against bots. I have seen many people who want to play only f2p for the simplicity and challenge through my runescape adventures and many of them are level 126. At the last few levels, they would have very hard time finding something to train on. Giant spiders in stronghold of security which I think are the best f2p training method are at the highest level only 50, so after level 100 combat they would be completely useless.
Since there is only 33 (or 32, can't remember) quest points in f2p, you would pretty much have players do all of them for this method to be at all effective. And that would completely ***** over 1 defence builds and skillers who have extremely limited access to quests. Especially skillers, who gain all of their bank from "trading resources".
Mutes for third party autotypers should IMO been a thing from start and I have nothing against that idea.
Sorry if my text is hard to read. English isn't my first language and not only that I just woke up.
26-Jan-2015 00:41:33