Well, this is very disappointing. Just remember, try not to make the game too much like RS3. We don't play OSRS so we can go back to the same pay to level game. I just hope in the future you will look at making OSRS its own game (like you started to do with TP) instead of the continued reliance on RS3's ideas.
The GE was released in Nov 2007, and as I recall RS3 was released 5, almost 6, years later.
I hope people are smart enough to at least consider the following in the next poll:
1. Make it so that the GE doesn't formulate, price tag, or set prices (GE values) on items. By doing so, the price can't be easily manipulated, and players won't be coerced into buying or selling at the manipulated "market price" all the time. Also, players will maintain a great degree of control over prices rather than the system telling them a formulated buying or selling price. Instead, the GE or price checker should only provide a price range on an item. That would also eliminate the dreaded hassle of buying or selling at 5% over or under the market price. For example, the price of mind runes would show 3-5 GP instead of 4 GP.
2. Like the TP, the GE should show candidate offers from other players so that players can ultimately decide on the best offer rather than going gung-ho on a totally automated system.
3. Instead of a totally automated system, the GE should have a "Buy from Player X" and "Sell to Player X" option. Afterwards, the money or items can be collected from the collection box or the GE.
4. If players need to price an item, it should be done in the same manner as the GE. It should only include a price range (the minimum and maximum price) without giving an absolute value in a similar fashion as OS Buddy's price checker.
5. The only time the mean price, absolute value, or GE value of an item should be implemented is with Coin Share and Loot Share. Otherwise, buying and selling items should be based on a price range and players' willingness.
6. In the event of a newly-released item, again, no GE-suggested price or market value should be given. It should be entirely up to the players to determine the price range as will all items.
7. Lastly, make the GE accessible and available in every bank rather than in just one location. People claim the GE is convenient, but nothing is convenient about being limited to trading in one spot whereas the TP was in all banks.
Monky killer
The poll is very biased, listing GE in Varrock only as "None of the above". Most people chose the "GE in Varrock and every bank" option because there was no clear Varrock only option. Its as if Mod Ronan who doesn't understand anything about this game has laid out the poll questions, they have been that misleading nowadays (look at blowpipe attack speed for example, people vote for same speed as magic shortbow, what we got was same speed as darts!).
Because of GE mostly, this will be my last membership, unfortunately I have a lot of it remaining. I have been playing since launch (only had a 3 month break in 2 years) so Im a loyal player, but this direction is exactly the same what ended in me quitting RS2 in 2010.
Think about this: when OSRS was released in 2013 it was like 2007, quickly GWD was introduced, about the same time as it was in RS2 (August 2007). Then GE came around in November 2007, okay thats what OSRS is behind in 1 year. Corporeal beast was released in September 2008 (same exact time as in OSRS; 1 year, 9 months after launch), Dragon claws were released in November 2008 (this can reflect the blowpipe in OSRS for example as its 2 years from launch). What you see here is the exact same direction being taken, the exact same speed of "overpowered" stuff being introduced. Jagex has chosen the same road again, misleading and undetailed player polls will change nothing. THE SAME MISTAKES ARE BEING DONE AGAIN!
So leave no one is going to stop you.
2010 was a peak point for rs wich many players aim to get back
Think about it! If a price range is given instead of an absolute price or the GE value, it will ward off price manipulation, and players have some ballpark figures to work with. It shouldn't be about constantly adjusting your price evolving around a single price just to get a buy or sell.
Also, allowing players to see all the candidate offers means they have ultimate control over prices and can decide on the best offer that suits them. For example, if Player A is selling Item X at 4 million, and Player B is selling that very same item, Item X, at 4.45 million, and Player C is also selling the same Item X at 4.6 million, then Player D, which is a potential buyer, can see all those offers and make a decision in which Player A would most likely get the deal from Player D rather than being forced to play a game of cat and mouse by fluctuating with a market price, and that same market price could be manipulated in favor of a greedy elite clan leader. That also leaves out the masses who plan on capitalizing on the market price to cause pseudo inflation or deflation. Additionally, it also leaves out the pesky price noob who constantly and annoyingly reminds you of the market price.
Since the GE was voted on purely for convenience, laziness, and ease, let's have it in every bank. Nothing is convenient about having to go all the way to Varrock especially if it involves switching spell books and/or buying teleports. I can just go to the nearest bank, which won't resemble a ghost town because all the sheep are gathered in Varrock causing an epic lag fest, and process my transaction there.
Grow a brain and a set and be smart about this! It isn't rocket science. Otherwise, scrap the whole plan to bring back GE, and let's get TP back with all the fallback options because it was innovative and could've been far more superior than the inferior GE.
Monky killer
2010 was a peak point for rs wich many players aim to get back
NO! 2007 was the peak point for RS and what many refer to as the Golden Era. Hence, that's what many old schoolers aimed to get back, and we got it back in OSR. Post-2007 is just an '08-15 prod's vision of RS since they've never experienced the real deal. Now, all those neophytes want to migrate to our game and transform it into their vision of a watered-down game that resembles a shell of itself (i.e. RS3) as it exists in their world.
Please consider Jagex that this game is aimed towards nostalgia and for the old players. The Rs3 players who have maxed in probably a couple months have come over and taken over the community. I'm talking about the ones that have not played in 07. The majority of the real veterans of this game know the long term effects of the G.E are, as we have grown up with them. Please rethink this decision.
Next poll suggestion: - No repolls for polls that failed previously (Grand exchange!)
No polls with faulty information just to get OP items into the game. (Blowpipe)
21-Jan-2015 23:41:51
- Last edited on
21-Jan-2015 23:42:07
Be Honest
make free worlds free we need people to fight this games going die again if u dont i give it 10 more days be4 i quit again for ever . ps all members are 1 item noobs and low risk pkers bring back the old days like in 2004 be4 u destroyed the best game ever and turned it in to this