The poll is very biased, listing GE in Varrock only as "None of the above". Most people chose the "GE in Varrock and every bank" option because there was no clear Varrock only option. Its as if Mod Ronan who doesn't understand anything about this game has laid out the poll questions, they have been that misleading nowadays (look at blowpipe attack speed for example, people vote for same speed as magic shortbow, what we got was same speed as darts!).
Because of GE mostly, this will be my last membership, unfortunately I have a lot of it remaining. I have been playing since launch (only had a 3 month break in 2 years) so Im a loyal player, but this direction is exactly the same what ended in me quitting RS2 in 2010.
Think about this: when OSRS was released in 2013 it was like 2007, quickly GWD was introduced, about the same time as it was in RS2 (August 2007). Then GE came around in November 2007, okay thats what OSRS is behind in 1 year. Corporeal beast was released in September 2008 (same exact time as in OSRS; 1 year, 9 months after launch), Dragon claws were released in November 2008 (this can reflect the blowpipe in OSRS for example as its 2 years from launch). What you see here is the exact same direction being taken, the exact same speed of "overpowered" stuff being introduced. Jagex has chosen the same road again, misleading and undetailed player polls will change nothing. THE SAME MISTAKES ARE BEING DONE AGAIN!
21-Jan-2015 11:17:47
- Last edited on
21-Jan-2015 11:18:55