People who are saying add the Grand Exchange to the Wilderness. If anything, it shouldn't just be played in the Grid. When the Crater came in, the Hills were removed and Pures became very aggravated. If anything, an underground map wouldn't be so bad.
I was thinking of a Trading Post being in the Mage Bank itself, but in this one, if you are teleblocked, you shouldn't be able to use it.
Otherwise if it's going to be in every Bank, there should only be the Sell option at the Trading Posts. If you want to buy something, you'd have to buy it in the Trading Central which would be in North-West Varrock.
Should have buying and selling Limits to prevent overflow such as a 5,000 limit on Willow Logs. If people want to buy more at that time, they could meet up in person and trade it.
19-Jan-2015 21:58:18