[quote id=380-381-138-65551054-435-334482859]The GE was the first update of the series of updates that caused RuneScape to enter its decline. It preceded the free trade and wilderness removal update, which removed about a million RS players from the game. I just liked the way RS was before these updates.
Another concern is how are Unid herbs going to be traded? With the GE, there would be a bunch of items named "herb" that are completely undistinguishable and a player may end up spending lots of money on herbs that they have no clue what the are. In order to fix this problem, unids would become "grimy" and "clean", another less "Old School" part of the game. You would have no clue what you were buying if that did not happen.
Also, I like having to work for the items I need rather than just putting a bid in for one in the computer. I like having to meet up with the person and making the trade.
Sad to see OSRS is going this way. If you enjoy a game with no EOC but the GE, there is a solution and that's called LEGACY MODE of RS3.[/quote
Again Legacy mode is NOT the same as OSR if so why would their even be an OSR? Here is the intelligence of your argument for you yourself to consider: If you enjoy a game like OSR and with no GE, there is a solution for you, and thats called Call of Duty. OSR and RS3 are completely different beasts. Please make educated intelligent arguments no one has to or should be asked to play a different version of the game to suit YOUR needs. If the community wants a GE it seems YOU are in the wrong place.
10-Jan-2015 01:28:45