[quote id=380-381-138-65551054-433-334482830][quote id=380-381-138-65551054-431-334482788]
The GE does not make the game easier, it makes it more enjoyable. The time put into skilling and combat are still required. The primary draw of the game should be player interaction, questing, PvP, skilling, bossing, etc...and not the endless cycle of standing in a bank spamming "buying swordies 250 each-FatalyWound" until someone bites. The GE helps to cut out the boring and time consuming inbetween and allows players to get back into action faster. How can this be a bad thing?
Does it really make sense to keep content out of the game for nostalgic reasons that hurt gameplay?[/quote]
Since you can't be bothered to look through the thread, here's an earlier post that helps to explain why the G.E. is a bad thing.
I have read through the earlier post and fear mongering that the GE will reintroduce price manipulation is redundant considering the post made by mod ash. And since you are so fond of reading previous post I'll let you tack that one down. But in essence it's states that there will be restrictions to prevent price manipulations such as what you quoted above. So know that you are informed that there will be preventative measures to control price manipulation what are your other reasons it should not be reintroduced into OSR? Come on hit me with the player interaction one of the nostalgia one I would love disprove more of your arguments.
10-Jan-2015 01:13:20