Unbelievable. You decide to chance some things against majoritys will and leave others. I for example, as active pker, would love to see those untradeables be turned to cash or some kind of insurance system brought in. almost 50-50 result there, and this you decide to do nothing about. I'm guessing no one of the oldschool team pks at all. Do you realise that is is possible for people to actually pk in gear where they risk just power ammy while still having really high bonuses because of the void armour ?
Wilderness is filled with people who are risking nothing in return for almost best in slot items.
Firecape is 1,5-2 hours job for people knowing what to do, yet you can use it without risk. And yea, it is a best in slot item. Fighter torso/hat are both best in slot items for people with 40-64 defence. Again, 0 risk for highest possible reward. Defenders take literally no time to get once you've gone through the struggle of going from on defender to rune defender. Yet again, 0 risk for arguably best in slot offhand item.
27-Nov-2014 13:57:00