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Looking forward to dragon bone prices dropping when people can camp at lava dragons all day to get the 255 prayer exp per kill, as well as the regular combat exp.
I imagine that'll be another area in the game where people have a "gentleman's agreement" not to kill or otherwise disrupt eachother.
The new dragons are cb 250 or whatever it said, they aren't exactly going to be quick to kill or quick prayer xp vs just buying d bones to use at an altar. I don't think this update will affect d bone prices hardly at all. If you can bury on the spot then no point in bringing them back to sell so they won't push d bones down in that sense either.
The second part you mentioned would be nice, but remember the whole point of this update is to bring more pk'ers into the wildy so don't expect much mercy or anything gentlemany, especially at the new resource points like this one. The wildy has never been a forgiving place anyway even before this update, so go in at your own risk.
20-Jan-2014 15:09:36
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20-Jan-2014 15:10:49