@ J Mods
1. I strongly think the Lava dragons should have something else to them. Considering that they're in deep wilderness, high combat etc.. I think to even out the worthiness of doing them; they should have a very higher drop rate of visage compared to that of other dragons. Also when you're standing in Lava Isle make it x4 exp, instead of x3. Again chances of killing the dragons in bulk, and making it over to the isles to bury, very small chance.
2. The shields are OKAY as far as stats go; however maybe they should be a bit harder as a drop to get; since they do have good stats. (maybe you should add higher req to weild shields. maybe 75 range needed for range shield/75 mage needed for mage shield?)
3. The new staff should NOT need to use GP for the charges.
4. You SHOULD be able to tele out of the KBD lair. There are so many ways to pk in the wild with the new updates as they are; that there is no point to not be able to tele out of the KBD lair.
5. The new food should heal more like 24. 22 is pretty low considering all you have to go through to get it. The chances of going there, getting a full inven, and coming back alive are very slim. All of that just for 22 hp? 2 more than sharks? Nah. I'd like to see it heal 24-25 hp. + the fact you have to kill zombies for the bait.
For now those are all of the changes I would like to see; that I can think of, lol.
21-Jan-2014 19:52:16
- Last edited on
21-Jan-2014 20:00:30