Damage of the staff is satisfactory now, but still far too weak for my taste. The price to charge the staff is still too expensive, also remove the silly 10 gp cost, there are much better ideas to explore for money sinks. You might as well allow the staff to be used in all forms of PvP, it is not over powered at all, (28's w/ 99 magic at whip speed). The only uses for the staff atm would pretty much be PvP, Barrows, and Cave Krakens.
"The dragon pickaxe will mine ore at an increased speed (15% faster than the rune pickaxe) and have a special attack which will add 3 temporarily to your mining level"
-Let's get a similar update for the Dragon axe as well!!
"Every person can be a force for good, free to forge his own destiny"
- Jor El
Question: Should we add loot broadcasts to the Kalphite Queen, the King Black Dragon, the Dagannoth Kings and the Chaos Elemental?
This sort of thing would only be acceptable if the drop was broadcasted to every world without specifying a specific world because people would quickly move to your location to kill you and take your hard earned drops. I simply don't think that would be fair.
Question: If lava dragons enter the Wilderness, should you be able to get three times the amount of XP if you bury their bones in the Lava Dragon Isle?
Would this nerf prayer? I want to know not because I train prayer but, because I don't want RS to become extremely easy. 3x prayer exp sounds like a lot.
Question: Should we allow players to be able to attack other players in a single way combat area even if either are currently in combat with an NPC?
I don't like this idea at all it would ruin the PVM aspect of the wilderness, which you are trying to introduce. You need to not only attract skillers and pvmers but make it possible for them to profit off the new wilderness as well. Don't ruin that for one group whilst trying to solely please the pkers.
Damage of the staff is satisfactory now, but still far too weak for my taste. The price to charge the staff is still too expensive, also remove the silly 10 gp cost, there are much better ideas to explore for money sinks. You might as well allow the staff to be used in all forms of PvP, it is not over powered at all, (28's w/ 99 magic at whip speed). The only uses for the staff atm would pretty much be PvP, Barrows, and Cave Krakens.
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Edgeville teleport lever is just going to make it easier for raggers to get to deep wilderness. The whole point of deep wild is to get away from raggers...
Truthfully I don't even fully understand why they added that question to the poll.. It had no interest from anyone and I rly haven't seen anyone talk about over the forums that's for sure. I highly doubt it'll pass but I just needed to kinda say that, that I don't fully understand why they even bothered adding it into the poll. It seems kinda irrelevant to the topic rejuvenating the wilderness if you ask me.. and it does destroy the whole point to run deep into the wilderness to adventure in which is the whole point to this update I thought.............. but ok that's all I have to say for this I guess..
I think the range shield should have some melee def and have magic lowered.. right now the mage shield owns it in every way except pure ranging lol... mage shield has more use for solos bosses
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Back when Pvp worlds came out there was a timer in which you could be attacked within a safe zone if you had just entered combat. Ex: player A d-bow specs player B and then player B retaliates as player A runs into the safe zone. Player A can still be attacked for 10 seconds in the safe zone by player B. This is much better then the current system where player A would have immediately been safe as soon as he walked into the safe zone. As it can help combat griefers who simply spec and run on actual pkers.
I agree with this, althiugh I generally avoid pvp worlds and stick to the wilderness.
Yeah this update would definitely make Pvp more enjoyable.