The new staff is much better (20% faster casting speed) although still not enough to be worth using over a whip for certain tasks.
I would recommend increasing the max hit further to 38 at 99 Magic. This gives the staff a max hit of 43 on a slayer task which is much closer to the 54 that a whip can hit. A max hit of 24 at 99 magic just means it can hit 27's on task, that isn't high enough to justify using anywhere (except maybe metal dragons if you have low attack/strength). This is under the assumption that the black mask/slayer helm (i) actually do boost magic damage by 15%? (I'm not sure if they do because I haven't tested).
If the staff can hit 40+ on task at the same speed as a whip, it will become a viable alternative to whip for several tasks. Seeing as this staff can't be used in pvp, a higher max hit won't be "overpowered" , it will just make the staff actually worth using.
The cost could be increased slightly to compensate for this though.
A minimum hit should also be considered, considering the significantly lower max hit vs a whip that the staff will have either way.
20-Jan-2014 14:39:59
- Last edited on
20-Jan-2014 14:48:45
Mini Aurelia