
Dev Blog: Wilderness 2 Thread is locked

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Should a player be able to see how many times they have been killed in the Wilderness, how many players they have killed in the Wilderness and the ratio between them? Yes, it'll allow those who keep dying to strive to better their play, whether it be making more strategic, less risky moves or pairing with others. It'll also add incentive to those who do a lot of killing, +ego boost.

Should we replace red dragons with lava dragons in the Wilderness?
I don't like the idea of replacing red dragons with a higher level dragon, because it ruins the chance for lower levels to use these training grounds. If you could implement the lava dragons with a quicker respawn rate to compensate for their lack of numbers, and put them on a smaller subsection of the isle, I would much prefer that.

Should we allow players to be able to attack other players in a single way combat area even if either are currently in combat with an NPC?
No, I don't think catching the player in a fight with a mob to be fair. It's advantageous to the attacker to catch them off guard, but they can still do that by hiding out of view and striking them when they've cleared the mob. With any luck their food will be depleted from battling the mob/s and it'll be a much fairer fight.

Should we remove 10 worlds from the world list to boost activity on the other worlds? I think so, the idea of the wilderness changes is to make the area more popular. Limiting the number of worlds will force players to take part in that, as they'll have less of a spread among worlds.

Should tradeable items become visible immediately to all players if their owner chooses to drop them on the ground in the Wilderness? I'm half hearted on the idea. I think we'd see a lot of players aggravating their fellow PKers by trying to run off, leaving a bread crumb of loot in their wake, in the effort to distract them while they make a run for it. Runescape's own version of a streaker.. I like it, seems fun.

18-Jan-2014 12:43:26



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Not sure if you're serious on some of your replies Agaard.

As for the bank space, they are limited by the engine. If they add too many slots it messes up the bank somehow (not sure how exactly, just remember ash saying this)

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i have another idea. when you look at your xp in a given skill it would be nice if it would also show the remainder xp.

Ash said he wnated to keep that until he does the xp goal system aswell and do both at one time.

Which ones ?
For the bank space i didn't know, my bad, but a lot of bank spaces would be really better.

Most of them aren't detailed and i don't say all i think for sure, but explain me, i'm maybe wrong on some of them.

18-Jan-2014 12:53:08 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2014 12:57:48 by Agaard



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Great ideas but i have one of my own which i think alot of people would agree with.

bring back the REST option so we can sit down and replenish our run quicker. that was a great idea from u guys.




18-Jan-2014 12:55:26

Mar Member 2020


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Which ones ?
Probably 80% of them lmao..

Especially the chin one, you really don't expect skillers to keep skiling with 15k chins on them do you? don't be silly.

18-Jan-2014 13:00:04

Lmao Lal

Lmao Lal

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Concerning new shields:

You have to consider these in combination with Void, this will make it even more overpowered in my opinion. Actually please do something about Void Range in general.

Individual Questions:

Question: Should we stop players from teleporting out of the KBD lair?

Yes in combination with removing worlds and increased loot tables this will encourage groups to search desolated worlds & on it's turn make pkers hop worlds more often so there will be actual player hunting & playerkiller-hunting.

Question: Should we add three new rune rocks to the Ice Plateau?

Yes, make it 4.

Question: Should we add a dungeon of God Wars creatures to the Wilderness?


Question: Should a player be able to see how many times they have been killed in the Wilderness, how many players they have killed in the Wilderness and the ratio between them?

Yes but it's not feasible as people consider PvPworld-combat & Edgeville combat as serious too, but you can't avoid the fact that friends will kill eachother for this ratio.

Question: Should we replace red dragons with lava dragons in the Wilderness?

Yes, please do this. Their location is such a place full of potential, but just not worth it at the moment.

Question: Should we allow players to be able to attack other players in a single way combat area even if either are currently in combat with an NPC?

Come on, how is this even a question after these ideas to introduce way more NPC-combat in the Wilderness. This will increase more dynamic action & less loitering by actual PKers.

Question: Should we remove 10 worlds from the world list to boost activity on the other worlds?

Yes please, atleast 15 in my opinion. You should add worlds later on.

18-Jan-2014 13:03:01



Posts: 38 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Should the cave kraken Slayer creature drop a new level 75 staff with a built-in spell for use against monsters, as described in the blog? Yes, I like the convenience it brings, and the fact it isn't a cheap alternative (considering ammunition costs). The cost justifies the ease of not having to swap between magics.

Should we increase the alch value of Bandos armour very slightly to make it protect on death over crystal equipment and Barrows equipment? Yes, I'm surprised it hasn't been already.

Should we add a level 10 Agility shortcut to shorten the route from Varrock's west bank to the spirit tree? Yes, so that those with lower agility can still benefit from ease of travel.

Should the run energy icon near the minimap toggle your Run Mode setting when you click it? I personally don't have a problem with this, one way or the other.

Should the prayer points icon near the minimap allow you to select some 'quick prayers' and toggle them on and off when you click it? In spite of my own short comings, tapping it on and off simultaneously only to die in the past, I think it should be re-added again.

Should the health icon near the minimap allow you to cure poison or cure disease when you click it, provided you have suitable items in your inventory? No, if we limit the need to swap to prayer book and options, there should be no reason for a player to not be able to cure themselves. Their main page should be their inventory.

Should we increase the cool-down time on the minigame teleports to 1 hour? No. The help to move about the world, it wouldn't sit right with me to set a restriction on something we benefit greatly from.

Should the God Wars Dungeon altars give a message stating how long before you'll next be able to use them? Yes, while fighting for our lives we don't often take into account the time. It would be nice to have a reminder.

18-Jan-2014 13:03:23

Lmao Lal

Lmao Lal

Posts: 802 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Question: Should we add a level 10 Agility shortcut to shorten the route from Varrock's west bank to the spirit tree?

Yes please, this will increase dynamics.

Question: Concerning minimap toggles of the orbs?

No please, this is still Old School: The newer players got the orbs, we still want some authencity you have to understand.

Question: If you are in a chat-channel when you log out, should you automatically attempt to re-join it on login?

If this is possible it seems like a great idea.

Question: Should we add new channels to the minigame grouping panel for finding Black Arm / Phoenix Gang members, finding God Wars Dungeon parties and finding Waterbirth Island parties? These channels would not have teleports associated with them.

Great idea.

Question: Should we add loot broadcasts to the Kalphite Queen, the King Black Dragon, the Dagannoth Kings and the Chaos Elemental?

Could you elaborate this please? If this is like a per world-announcement kind of thing I would strongly recommend it as new players will be curious the items, the bosses and will be stimulated to gain levels; where as the PKers can see which bosses are being slain at the moment & go after these players.

Or did you mean a Lootshare kind of announcement?

18-Jan-2014 13:09:28 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2014 13:11:31 by Lmao Lal



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Which ones ?
Probably 80% of them lmao..

Especially the chin one, you really don't expect skillers to keep skiling with 15k chins on them do you? don't be silly.

Damn that was an example of the proportion.
A Pkers shouldn't be able to get more of 300 chins when the skiller die in my opinion, that's all.

But i really don't see where's the problem in my answers, even if they're incomplete and clumsy ?

18-Jan-2014 13:10:16

Mar Member 2020


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Damn that was an example of the proportion.
A Pkers shouldn't be able to get more of 300 chins when the skiller die in my opinion, that's all.

But i really don't see where's the problem in my answers, even if they're incomplete and clumsy ?
Why not? if a player has more than 300 chins on them, they should lose them all. Not half, that's like me pking with 10k blood runes and if i die my pker will only get 300.. lol.

Another thing was your ents, you went on about the method being too slow compared to the risk, but you want to make it unnoted and have it 5x slower?? Your post makes almost no sense at all.

18-Jan-2014 13:16:25

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