Should a player be able to see how many times they have been killed in the Wilderness, how many players they have killed in the Wilderness and the ratio between them?
Yes, it'll allow those who keep dying to strive to better their play, whether it be making more strategic, less risky moves or pairing with others. It'll also add incentive to those who do a lot of killing, +ego boost.
Should we replace red dragons with lava dragons in the Wilderness?
I don't like the idea of replacing red dragons with a higher level dragon, because it ruins the chance for lower levels to use these training grounds. If you could implement the lava dragons with a quicker respawn rate to compensate for their lack of numbers, and put them on a smaller subsection of the isle, I would much prefer that.
Should we allow players to be able to attack other players in a single way combat area even if either are currently in combat with an NPC?
No, I don't think catching the player in a fight with a mob to be fair. It's advantageous to the attacker to catch them off guard, but they can still do that by hiding out of view and striking them when they've cleared the mob. With any luck their food will be depleted from battling the mob/s and it'll be a much fairer fight.
Should we remove 10 worlds from the world list to boost activity on the other worlds?
I think so, the idea of the wilderness changes is to make the area more popular. Limiting the number of worlds will force players to take part in that, as they'll have less of a spread among worlds.
Should tradeable items become visible immediately to all players if their owner chooses to drop them on the ground in the Wilderness?
I'm half hearted on the idea. I think we'd see a lot of players aggravating their fellow PKers by trying to run off, leaving a bread crumb of loot in their wake, in the effort to distract them while they make a run for it. Runescape's own version of a streaker.. I like it, seems fun.
18-Jan-2014 12:43:26