
Dev Blog: Wilderness 2 Thread is locked

Quick find code: 380-381-12-65435469



Posts: 3,528 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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what happened to the new slayer monsters that were voted on a couple of polls ago?

The two level 80 ones?

Well, the level 87 is one of them. Originally it was level 80, but obviously it'd make more sense to have a level between 75-80 or 85-90 to fill in gaps.
Long live the Wilderness. Long live risk vs reward in PVM. Long live 2006.

20-Jan-2014 20:45:31



Posts: 3,528 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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I think the fish should be changed. As it is now, the reward doesn't match the risk. For a fisher, you have to risk being pked and long bank runs for only 1 extra hp. Sharks you can safely fish forever in the fishing guild. I know there is a concern the new fish will instantly replace sharks but I see no reason to spend 20 mins to fish 20 of the new fish just to die by a pker.

I think the new fish should either have a higher heal, possibly 30, but have a time limit before eating again so sharks would still have better immediate heal.

or lower than 21 heal but have a passive hp regen,50 over 2mins, so it would benefit grinders or bossing but sharks would still be needed incase of high hits from boss.

or if u don't want to change the heal amount.
the fish should be caught a lot faster than sharks to allow fishers a chance to escape with a load. or be caught as a note so fishers could keep food or teles in their inventory incase of a pk.

Tbh don't do any of that. Some of it seems pretty far-fetched and overpowered.

Since Crabs are small fish, despite being higher level, they could make the catch rate somewhere between Shrimp and Lobsters. This means much faster XP and much faster full inventories.
Long live the Wilderness. Long live risk vs reward in PVM. Long live 2006.

20-Jan-2014 20:46:50



Posts: 918 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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I think the fish should be changed. As it is now, the reward doesn't match the risk. For a fisher, you have to risk being pked and long bank runs for only 1 extra hp. Sharks you can safely fish forever in the fishing guild. I know there is a concern the new fish will instantly replace sharks but I see no reason to spend 20 mins to fish 20 of the new fish just to die by a pker.

I think the new fish should either have a higher heal, possibly 30, but have a time limit before eating again so sharks would still have better immediate heal.

or lower than 21 heal but have a passive hp regen,50 over 2mins, so it would benefit grinders or bossing but sharks would still be needed incase of high hits from boss.

or if u don't want to change the heal amount.
the fish should be caught a lot faster than sharks to allow fishers a chance to escape with a load. or be caught as a note so fishers could keep food or teles in their inventory incase of a pk.

Tbh don't do any of that. Some of it seems pretty far-fetched and overpowered.

Since Crabs are small fish, despite being higher level, they could make the catch rate somewhere between Shrimp and Lobsters. This means much faster XP and much faster full inventories.

Honestly this fast of a fishing would make greatly make up for how long it takes to bank. Make it fish just as fash as anchovies or something. This is better than some wierd +30 health or something outlandish.

Great idea bro.

Another thing, if this didnt work, we could make it to where each fish (when cooked) breaks up into 5 pieces that heal 22 each. This way your essentially carrying 28*5 with each inventory.

I dont mean 5 bites each, i just mean when cooked it splits into 5 inventory spots.

20-Jan-2014 20:55:06

Im Nate

Im Nate

Posts: 1,638 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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The mage defende bonuses on the shields are too high. Jagex you need to realize something. In Castle wars...
The MAX mage attack bonus is 127 with 3a amulet.
The MAX mage defence bonus is 185.
The new shields will keep the max attack bonus the same, while the range shield will increase the max mage defence to 194. The mage shield will be superior to the mages' book becaue it offers just 3 attack bonus less, but you gain huge melee defence.
Not only does the shield provide the highest range attack bonus but it has the highest mage defence bonus. The mage shield..its nothing special, it just offers some defence bonuses while having some mage attack bonuses. IMO just make the damn shield have same stats as arcane and spectral. Stop making up random stats.

Mage book requires 1 def, these require 60, they should be far superior to mage book in every way.

I would explain more but no point in arguing with an arrogant kid who doesnt even understand bonuses for range/mage and then has atrocious stats in range/mage aswell.

I think you don't want to explain because I"m right, and just to let you know I have 21m range exp over my osrs accounts and about 30m mage exp ( kenshin sama, neveid, lil daranged and this account).
Maxed Sept 24th, 2015 - 134th to max

20-Jan-2014 21:22:07 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2014 21:27:04 by Im Nate

C o d y
Jun Member 2022

C o d y

Posts: 938 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
SO.. let me get this straight. This new staff is going to require 87 slayer to get and only hit 24s? And also requires 75 magic to use? Im sorry but that wasn't even a buff in my opinion... I know you guys are scared about people freaking out about things being powerful... well that's tough crap for them. A staff that requires 75 magic to use should compare to the god sword status.. This staff should also be a good pking weapon, making people want to get 87 slayer. If you guys just take my idea into consideration... then maybe magic will have a chance some day. Let me repost it.... [b][/[red]Dragon staff/kraken staff[/red]b] wouldn't hold runes, it would simple allow you to have an infinite amount of air and fire runes similar to the smoke staff. [b][/[red]Special Attack[/red]b] This special attack would be powerful because it requires 75 magic to use. It would allow you to do 50 % more damage based on a elemental spell that you cast (earth, water, fire, air) [b][u]AND[/u][/b] allow you to double hit with that spell, allowing you to potentially hit very good with it. "Who are you really? deep... deep down... far far in... Once you figure that out you will laugh your self Silly!" - Alan Watts.

20-Jan-2014 21:26:28 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2014 21:28:49 by C o d y

Agent 3

Agent 3

Posts: 37 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What you guys really need to do is... Make 2007 RUNESCAPE FOR FREE TO PLAY! THAT SHOULD BE UR BIGGEST Concern.. Like how do u guys not know? that if you make it Free To Play your Game is going to be better? Seriously? no offence.. but u guys need to start thinking! Who else thinks they should make it Free to play? If so Please Comment I do BELOW OR FREE TO PLAY!

- Agent 3

20-Jan-2014 21:35:47

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