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"Mid-level" shields?! Range shield is Spectral spirit shield 2.0 with +32 magic defence!! +12 ranged accuracy as well? Same goes with mage shield.. I don't usually call stuff overpowered, but these are if they're considered mid-level and not too difficult to obtain.
not having ANY melee defence is a pretty massive drawback
I definitely wouldn't say it's on par with the spectral SS
I also don't think it will devalue the zammy book, tbh. The zammy book has no defence requirements, it has a prayer bonus, it gives attack bonuses to ALL combat styles, and best of all it's an item you can never lose. When you pay 2.4m to fill your unholy book, you are buying a +8 mage/range boost for life.
17-Jan-2014 21:41:08
- Last edited on
17-Jan-2014 21:46:37