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whip is best melee weapon in game, dark bow is the best bow in game. why is not this new staff the best in game? you can easely hit 34 with claws of guthix. i cant quite see what you are thinking when you suggest a max hit of 22 then. if u do not wish to reduce its speed to 2,4 seconds and give it a max hit of 35-40 at 99 magic (similar to storm of armadyl) i suggest you give it a max hit of 50. this would still be bad comperad to whip which can do 55 at 2,4 seconds. please make magic usefull becouse atm its very bad to use pretty much everywhere beside rex. storm of armadyl made it possible to use magic elsewhere, please do the same here as well.
the max hit for claws of guthix at lv 99 is 20.. I agree that the staff should be boosted but nowhere near that high! Max hit should be around 35. If they increase the speed to 2.4 then it should be about 30
17-Jan-2014 21:01:27